The dot to the left is the hole at the back of the recorder and should be covered when required by your left thumb. I just printed it out and tried the notes. This chart is a general guide, but by no means a definitive or complete fingering chart for the recorder, an impossible task. u7OT8ufMckd96f1yV7y3aeT0llRC1wdVMxPp3Dxn490PA/CAMVRfli20fys3LQPy31ywoZyAklgw 50.000000 AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK PROCESS CMYK 934rzZnlrQxS7v2tNfmYwXdwq39uAkMYeOslm0ZKUoxZahpKmgUA+OQlKuhbYwscx1/H6k1tv+Us PROCESS Your fingering chart saved the day for me.couldn't quite remember all of the fingering and the chart is perfect. C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=60 nT+P5jtqSeUry0WS9mf9NNM5jKPA0RY25biokc8q0qK5Hqy6M6tv+Us1L/mAsf8Ak9eYUMHstP4/ 9r4SowJZxc/8pZpv/MBff8nrPChgt5cfmJF55bTI7ixbyqmoW8sgKSC74zzCcgfAUorsFLep+0u2 50.000000 PROCESS CMYK proof:pdf PROCESS CMYK bJMCgdRs45726aW3hli+twwyPJvIFlNjWNVKkMj8Pjqey9ewIBZCRHIo+dETzVpiIoVF0++CqBQA oaHFWOeU/Lem6XqVvfWyKlzqFi/1whI0YvFJGxDsiq7MrysPjJp07bgMiWYYWLEdD8v2Ft5jfUUU 90.000000 qMunFl9VQNoQRVn5VyEiR3NsADV3z6fo80b5i0TSte1ex0zVrdLywuLC7aaAlgjmO5sZV+yQac0B BGNxGI+Vnw+sIZK+mJIvVUshblTelAaK03bef/I93fW1hZ6/p93e3biO3t7a5imdmaNpV2jZqBkQ Fingering charts for one Hand recorders Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass Fingering charts for baroque recorders Garklein Kynseker Sopranino Denner Kynseker Soprano Swing/Prima/Student/Canta Denner Adri's Dream recorder Kynseker Modern Soprano Waldorf-Edition Picco (little flute) Alto Prima Adri's Dream recorder Prima/Canta double hole 8pZqX/MBY/8AJ68xQlC6DYr5tGqBR9YF41vXhGW9J7T6yU9Qr6nD1/3nDlxD/FSuKpvc/wDKWab/ 0C61a41F/ThutYt7RHqgo8thbEE82X4VClmpU0FaZMmmIBOwY55WutVj12H669p+irH1fTuIL/UL False index finger 1 [middle finger 2 ring finger 3. index finger 4 right hand. KB0VyAeXGq1xQkp86+UNVtNbt9HtoLK+sp2s7S8udOlmhZxGjNJwjjDUVnK8SQaivQ4LCaLJfLKW PROCESS Now we're going to show you the parts of a soprano recorder. I have to teach a class of varying adult ages students the recorder. 9rps8Per7+ncy03C2/mPV7hgWWHTbORlHUhZbw0H3ZMmt2uIugxHQrW+ttUt9XfUtQm06k81npt1 bX8up6he6cXnjs7XUJ7RbaJDPHbxyRBIY5OSJKYwruS1duuQ4+rLg6dWVWVz9Vm8z3PAyehdiT01 This is fantastic. GqC1giJP77b44mxVKtH8qJpWqrqcX6duJx6vOK6v454G9c8pP3LzemlXo3wKu48NsVTWCTUk1+9v Thank You or simply "Thinking of You", which is found in pools or hot tubs. 9f8A0f8AB9e9L6x9W/Sl5z9Llw58eFePLauKoeGynOu3kK2XG5S1tXln/Sl78UbyXAjSnD9go5/2 W2BB/l/ycASWTYUMW0u2sbjWpEkgtpCGvXkACvIXjvI3jaVSNihAKffkeEM+Mjqmdt/ylmpf8wFj thank you so much for this. Open Type OK that explains that. PROCESS Valentino Alto Recorder, Black/White - An Excellent student recorder with good tone and intonation. 50.000000 This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. CMYK TS72eZFhqoKSWnKgeON24/FQlAfbJIYhqH5h2c96v+G/LVtf21tcaha3STotusr2iR+kyT+nIEEk I played Clarinet for five years and this chart is such a help in transitioning to playing colonial music. CMYK (with Easy Instructions & Fingering Chart) Recorder Songbook at Target. Fingering patterns appear to be changing. Free standard shipping with $35 orders. You will now learn to play all notes on your Recorder with this complete fingering chart. /MHyhe6RqF3pOiRXN3aXU1rb209vJClwIJPTMiTJbzBQaGgZeooadcjxBPCU9ih0KfU9Kv3sbaOC Put it on your bedroom wall or practice room so you can always have the right note. 9JeHTAnozm2/5SzUv+YCx/5PXmFDBINJ80P+Z11dSwXEFk+pJ9X1FL12hWOOzLPCbJ5nib1o6Lz9 Type your username or email address below, then click the button to initiate the process of resetting your password. 0.000000 HelveticaNeue.ttc VE0+xlDCFWUBpbv4gAp6gDNiCDuzSS289eS7vQJdWs9EF26XE0EVjDBEJZUhuWgEqtL6UfFlX1N2 Still you should practice all these high notes, pay attention to the fingers on the fingering chart. 50.000000 Ad rem! It can produce tones for two full octaves and a little bit of a third. 0.000000 Z1KhvU/ZbbbAlndt/wApZqX/ADAWP/J68woYOk/5hnz0NJa4sB5bOovJ6JST62Ar/XVGylOLJ0fn Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 0.000000 John Cena caves to China with groveling apology. The fingerings are for a recorder in g, which had remained a solo instrument in Italy. 7A4rSItvPHkq6FubbX9NmF3ObS09O7gb1bgcSYY6P8Ug9RPgG/xDxxRSnN+YHkaC5jtpdesEkl+s 25.000000 C=35 M=60 Y=80 K=25 Recorder Fingering Chart Set 2 Mrs Turner s Music Class April 21st, 2018 - These are the pitches we learned in 4th grade as well as the pithes we will learn this year in 5th grade Remember that left hand goes on top and the flat part not tip of the finger should be used to completely cover the darkened holes on C=60 M=90 Y=0 K=0 As you can see in this fingering chart you can clearly see each note with its fingering and all the fingers you have to put in. C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=40 PROCESS PROCESS V0jRoJvUdxArcZeKELUiu3sMBSOT0Gb/AI7dp/zDXP8AycgyTFASW01xqF8be3+xKqyv9euYObej The easiest notes to start with on the recorder are B, A and G. For the note B, simply place your left thumb on the back hole and your left index finger on the first hole at the front of the recorder. YesthankyouI also searched high & low & found lots of interactive ones, but wanted a printable one for easy access to my daughter if she needed a hint to where to put her fingers. middle finger 5 ring finger 6 little finger 7. 10.000000 C=10 M=100 Y=50 K=0 Try playing while breathing slowly, with the body relaxed. There is a demonstration by 3d models, so you will learn how to play. CMYK 0.000000 VKv8KJ+nv03/ALnfrX1j616P1+P6rypw4/VvW9Hj6fwfZrTvXfFU1nk1J9fsrxdLuPQhtLqGRudt C=0 M=80 Y=95 K=0 CMYK In other words, the sound is two octaves lower than that of a soprano recorder. Exactly what we needed :o). PROCESS gDbxrjaaZfc/8pZpv/MBff8AJ6zxQw/WPOOrWvnWXy/FpME1hPqNgZNSbUbaKVCwtiQLJv3z0oOn 0.000000 0.000000 AWhmtCdhtvXFCXWXl/QNIutTltdMjkt5rv1tQmncyMkkoVm9JHVwsSK4anIAb0FAMFJtO/Rhh1az N3F9YWbUI3slinV+EF1Ekc3qNczQEMrFaJFGxIqe2AJPJntt/wApZqX/ADAWP/J68woeb+VbnT9V 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 kAjHx9q++ABJKY3lpav5j061eFGtm06/QwFQYyvrWfw8SKU9sKEo0ryj5T0oTJbaLbTWE16/q3Vz IFCSQa0yJBtsBiBy/H7Gd23/AClmpf8AMBY/8nrzJNbDILDXV/Nu6vpbGeTSZLqNLW9F9IsMbLpb 95.000000 0.000000 50.000000 And I especially like the right hand/left hand color scheme touch too! ekBj8LB. I was having the same problem. dQIresUiFweLPx+JV4rTemwxSz3CxYFp3nfyVcea4NEg1CBvMq6hexXNuFYTcYxcfAzldwoVaDl2 100 More Amazon Deals. CMYK 10.000000 6V2wAMiQzzUNLN7osumvKS0sPpGc7nkBsx38RXrkM2LjgY97A7sKHlfW5rprZ9CsoIJAUkvBLIQB BLGZV9MlkoGtwOJNSR4Vy2I2DjzNkojT/wDevU/+Ylf+oaHJMUm0P0P07MVEAl5X4kMRBlI+sx8f Next we leave you the last table so that you play all the notes of the chromatic scale we will be playing the notes to distance of semitone. finger placement chart, and cleaning rod. Look at the chromatic scale in the recorder ! "Hi&R%i%R[";DJG~A2)llK*6P{PJJsZ(sCJJR.TJRKqJCGKRZT;*KKeaij[,+4X=b{yKSq)q))_cM8Z#q2(BMA)dLi8)5`* m05Kyp)7\6zRb"KbDRTJCkJ)F(*% _$/K\K>/t-^J/gi[v ;ZvI=]Kl%?N/mK%v;zE:zI=^w:|H/x_[|_x/(&_*~__B/kKiEf|__zI=^h^ifxIxYa@C>g26dhFb67l2j(#t2exi0#W`:rvZT9|*hmq**k 59.999100 Your email address will not be published. Most school recorders are still offered with German and Baroque fingering so that a choice must be made at the time of purchase. False nkNTijRhKaQO8vqMVAP71QevywBkQym2/wCUs1L/AJgLH/k9eYoYt5c89eSNT1nTdN0zUYJfMTvI `"is@"Y)RF$4POWR [xMKPO[EU*k(k*WZ( rP*J`LU]@ ICKQYP CyCrc3eV9L,Qbh&rY.s_X^WB,% ,Pz'y%VPKBO#TE^XBlB-mdk%=@:3"$6`8ku3;D_%A5+E&!+Q%.2!_un*/"FPc@F!@EBWEHY1Z>K4bZIlRgzL3^5aM97c:+,*04eGi Q?(iRrK(HcO xmp.iid:890fd3a7-49de-47a8-9df5-dff177cdec7d 70.000000 50.000000 89.999400 0.000000 /wBQgh8yPd2sNhHIreqgmWDgVbjTgGdmK8gDvWlTilmE3/HbtP8AmGuf+TkGFi7T/wDevU/+Ylf+ Glad I finally learned. PROCESS 10.000000 Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. Ln0/R5p3Zhh5q1ANTl+j7CtOlfWvOmWBpKTapYTz61dtBZ2U00sj28ct1ybkz6caQzIENYD1b4q+ Merrily We Roll Along Recorder Notes NEW,,,, = pressed down When more than one fingering is shown, the first is the most commonly used. Z/L2jXunXGt3sNtFezLp8EoUD0BT96qxTyhfVcsxHL3oCTgAZGQZqbKeLWtNtHuXlm/Ruop9aNeV 39vcWqyQQQCxkgtkbiQaerCnqRrTi2+/UwssyA9p0OTUpP0S+qMX1A2dz9aYxegDJ6sINI6txX+X tZbDTy8UgqKpcXbow7hkdQysN1IBG4yZF7MIyIohL9K0+Nr+PT4J7q3trZbj0Y4x6aIsF+jhI5Sn 15hQ808m6fpY/MyS6h8vT2mrPc38t/q7afNBDJVpFm9O7e5kSVfWdQtIQTt0wBJ5PS7b/lLNS/5g Download a alto recorder(Baroque-style) fingering chart. 10.000000 CMYK If this can be done, a well-formed low-pitched sound should be produced. Daily posting will resume later this month. Lets start right now with the first Recorder notes Chart, pay attention to all the natural notes on the recorder. What a gift you are to your children. 100.000000 xZcPqwDhjGaHbc9d8gZgdWzwpcq8mU6vrlloWqa1qt7y+rW2n6eXCFQxL3N0ihebIpJZgAK7/PJt 4kzhIwxAWZKFwodgBAvEMxpU+OzSbTm2/wCUs1L/AJgLH/k9eYoSXTvLem2+vxa7HGov7u/vI5pB Fingerings for Baroque Recorders in C We are going to study first the natural notes and then in another table we are going to present you the altered notes, that is to say, the sharp notes and flats notes. lL+8DM/HplQyWLAciWHhlwk73TOLd1HmnUnr8A0+xao329a8OWuPTCLH17vUB5hg1PURosk7Xkem 0.000000 pjaA0ywtdN1iLTbISQ2NrcolvbcCYVA09hX1WBZn8QX9+9cEYgbBnOZkTI8yj3sbO+8x6pbXkEdz 2AmmQBOwYr5Rl1i18wW8WpG1Szt/WtIpre/1C7kd1dIUR4J09GJZOSv8DbUG9MhxhlwE9GQzeZNL Nbm1e35y3ttL6fpf7rC8OXxj4/iwJSmw0by9YQXcFt+W/mBYb20l0+4je5tZFNtOiRSxoJNTbhyj I played Clarinet for five years and this chart is such a help in transitioning to colonial. On the fingering chart now we & # x27 ; re going to show you the of..., https: //, https: //, https: //, https: // https... 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