nucleoside diphosphate kinase function
FREE KOL List . PubMed Tissue specificity. However, successive irradiation by redfar-red reversed the reaction, indicating that phytochrome-mediated light signals are transduced to the phosphorylation of NDP kinase. [, Burkard TR, Planyavsky M, Kaupe I, Breitwieser FP, Burckstummer T, Bennett KL, Superti-Furga G, Colinge J: Initial characterization of the human central proteome. The biochemical reactions catalyzed by NDP kinase are as follows. Here we report that a full-length cDNA. . Power, S. D., Lochrie, M. A., and Poyton, R. O. Blancas-Luciano BE, Zamora-Chimal J, da Silva-de Rosenzweig PG, Ramos-Mares M, Fernndez-Presas AM. Nucleosidediphosphate kinases (NDPKs, also NDP Kinase, (poly)nucleotide kinases and nucleoside diphosphokinases) are enzymes that catalyze the exchange of terminal phosphate between different nucleoside diphosphates (NDP) and triphosphates (NTP) in a reversible manner to produce nucleotide triphosp . Interestingly, NME4, an NDPK member known to associate with the mitochondria, translocates to the nucleus when the mitochondrial localization signal is deleted.12. FOIA Tagashira H, Hamazaki K, Tanaka N et al. 2007 May 15;67(3):755-65. doi: 10.1002/prot.21316. These 'closed' conformations are hypothesized to help with removal of water from the active site to avoid wasteful hydrolysis of ATP in addition to helping optimize alignment of substrates for phosphoryl-transfer. Rayner K, Chen YX, Hibbert B et al. Nucleoside diphosphate kinase enzyme activity of NM23-H2/PuF is not required for its DNA binding and in vitro transcriptional functions. It is also characterized by an impaired lymphoid maturation and early differentiation arrest in the myeloid lineage. J Biol Chem 2008;283:2619826207. Cancer Res 2007;67:1060010607. The structure of the Escherichia coli nucleoside diphosphate kinase reveals a new quaternary architecture for this enzyme family. Therefore, we hypothesised P. gingivalis-Ndk can phosphorylate HSP27 for inhibition of apoptosis in GECs. 6, 79-85. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA, Gemma S Puts,M Kathryn Leonard,Nidhi V Pamidimukkala,Devin E Snyder&David M Kaetzel, You can also search for this author in Acta Anal Chem. Plant Mol. Cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde at RT for 15 minutes. Perina D, Bosnar MH, Bago R et al. Epub 2017 May 17. Lab. Google Scholar. eCollection 2022. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. We gratefully acknowledge grant support from the National Instititues of Health/National Cancer Institute (R01-CA83237, R01-CA159871, R01-CA159871S1, and T32-CA15474). Yadav VK, Thakur RK, Eckloff B et al. Biol. The family of NME proteins represents a quite complex group of multifunctional enzymes. 4.3) (also known as ADK or myokinase) is a phosphotransferase enzyme that catalyzes the interconversion of the various adenosine phosphates (ATP, ADP, and AMP). Adenylate kinase (EC 2.7. -. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1996;93:68926897. NME2 specifically binds estrogen receptor , and a synergistic decrease in cell migration was observed with both NME2 expression and estradiol treatment.48 Taken together, these studies demonstrate that NME1 and NME2 are able to interact not only with transcriptional elements but other transcription factors as well, perhaps as either transcriptional co-activators or co-repressors. Nucleoside-Diphosphate-Kinase of P. gingivalis is Secreted from Epithelial Cells In the Absence of a Leader Sequence Through a Pannexin-1 Interactome. Biol. Exp Cell Res 2004;298:275284. Nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase catalyzes in vivo ATP-dependent synthesis of ribo- and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates. [, Chowdhury D, Beresford PJ, Zhu P, Zhang D, Sung JS, Demple B, Perrino FW, Lieberman J: The exonuclease TREX1 is in the SET complex and acts in concert with NM23-H1 to degrade DNA during granzyme A-mediated cell death. Kaetzel DM . Acad. Cancer Res. 401, 610-613. Common agonists such as 8-Br-cGMP (Cat. Arch. FEBS Lett. Accessibility Postel EH, Ferrone CA . Lane Designations: 1) Negative control GST-resin with GEC cell lysate only; 2) GST-resin, (A) Representative micrographs of TUNEL stained GECs either transfected with His-rNdk [1g], infected with Wild-type (WT) or, Uninfected and infected GECs, with either Wild-type (WT) or, Uninfected and infected GECs at 30 minutes, 6 hours, and 24 hours post infection were treated with 1.0 M of Staurosporine (STP) for 3 hours. [20] This supports muscle energy metabolism. doi: 10.1023/A:1005584929050. FEBS Lett 2010;584:36823695. Article NME1 and NME2 have been identified as potential canonical transcription factors that regulate gene transcription through their DNA-binding activities. (2) Gemcitabine is then phosphorylated into gemcitabine monophosphate (dFdCMP) by deoxycytidine kinase (DCK), and dFdCMP is subsequently phosphorylated to gemcitabine diphosphate (dFdCDP) and gemcitabine triphosphate (dFdCTP) by . The consensus nucleotide sequence motif for DNA-binding activity of NME2 consisted of a core GAGGT region flanked by G-rich sequences.22 Interestingly, this motif was very similar to previous regions identified in the CMYC and PDGFA promoters.16, 23 These findings do not contradict the earlier model that NME2 does not bind DNA in a sequence-specific manner, but rather support the idea that some sequences may be prone to secondary structures that are the actual binding cue for NME2. Tanaka, N., Ogura, T., Noguchi, T., Hirano, H., Yabe, N., and Hasunuma, K. (1998). Puts, G., Leonard, M., Pamidimukkala, N. et al. The biochemical reactions catalyzed by NDP kinase are as follows. Two transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. The role of NDPKB in angiogenesis has to date not been defined. A., and Vron, M. (1994). 297, 42-45. A body of evidence implicates both NME1 and NME2 as transcriptional regulators, acting directly as DNA-binding transcription factors, as well as displaying indirect effects on gene expression programs. PMC . Cancer Res 2012;72:133143. The introduction of genomic DNA and cDNA for ndk-1 demonstrated that the wild-type DNAs suppressed the mutant phenotype. 2022 Feb 4;23(3):e202100596. This assay employs a quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique that measures human NDPKD in approximately 5 hours. NME2 also binds the NHEIII1 sites located at the CMYC promoter, resulting in increased CMYC expression in a mouse adenocarcinoma cell line,34 Burkitts lymphoma cell lines,35 and human HeLa and HepG2 cells.36 Furthermore, silencing NME2 expression through siRNA,27 and disrupting NME2 interaction with the NHEIII1/G4 complex using synthetic compounds, resulted in decreased CMYC expression.37, 38 Taken together, these results strongly suggest a direct role of NME2 in regulation of CMYC gene transcription. Chem. HSP27 binds P. gingivalis Ndk in primary GECs, Figure 2. AMP binds in the pocket formed by the NMP and CORE domains. Atanasova K, Lee J, Roberts J, Lee K, Ojcius DM, Yilmaz . Sci Rep. 2016 Nov 24;6:37643. doi: 10.1038/srep37643. 2006 Apr;87(4):483-9. Muller W, Schneiders A, Hommel G et al. 2009;9:256. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-9-256. 2022 Jun;89(1):154-165. doi: 10.1111/prd.12425. [8] Another highly conserved residue is Arg119, which lies in the adenosine binding region of the ADK, and acts to sandwich the adenine in the active site. The maize (Zea mays L.) nucleoside diphosphate kinase1 (ZmNDPK1) gene encodes a human NM23-H2 homologue that binds and stabilizes G-quadruplex DNA. Exonucleases are usually associated with proofreading of DNA, either during replication by polymerases that possess exonuclease activity, or by autonomous exonucleases such as RAD1, RAD9, MRE11, and TP53 during DNA repair.51 The 35 exonuclease activity of NME1 was extended to the NME5, NME7, and NME8 isoforms, particularly in the presence of the base excision repair proteins APE1, UDG, and NTH.6 Exonucleases are responsible for excision of misrepaired and damaged nucleotides, permitting resumption of stalled DNA replication or repair.51 Consistent with this, 3 single-stranded overhangs provided the strongest substrate for NME1.6, 25, NME1 is translocated to the nucleus in response to DNA damage induced by cisplatin or etoposide,6, 52 UV irradiation,6, 10 bleomycin, and gamma irradiation (Puts et al., manuscript in preparation), further suggesting a role in the DNA damage response. 2000;32:247258. NME1 was the first metastasis suppressor protein described,1 defined as a protein with the ability to suppress the metastatic phenotype of cancer cells without having an impact on primary tumor growth. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Eur. Zhang Q, McCorkle JR, Novak M et al. X-ray structure of human nucleoside diphosphate kinase B complexed with GDP at 2A resolution. Biol. Major role in the synthesis of nucleoside triphosphates other than ATP. See this image and copyright information in PMC. Ribonucleotide reductase protein (RNR) is recruited to sites of DNA damage and is required for maintenance of dNDP supply during DNA repair.54 NME3 has been shown to associate directly with the RNR complex via a physical interaction with TIP60, a histone acetyltransferase, and to be recruited to sites of DNA damage.55 This complex was proposed to maintain local concentrations of dNTPs for repair of DNA damage. Kuppers DA, Lan K, Knight JS et al. The metastatic suppressor Nm23-H1 interacts with EBNA3C at sequences located between the glutamine- and proline-rich domains and can cooperate in activation of transcription. The Human Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase D ELISA Kit (ab283968) is designed for detection of Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase D (NDPKD) in human plasma, serum, cell culture, and cell lysate samples. J. Biol. Kraeft S-K, Traincart F, Mesnildrey S et al. J. Biochem. Dumas, C., Lascu, I., Morra, S., Glaser, P., Fourme, R., Wallet, V., Lacombe, M.-L., Vron, M., and Janin, J. [, MacDonald NJ, Freije JM, Stracke ML, Manrow RE, Steeg PS: Site-directed mutagenesis of nm23-H1. Human c-myc transcription factor PuF identified as nm23-H2 nucleoside diphosphate kinase, a candidate suppressor of tumor metastasis. Purification, characterization and structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase from Drosophila melanogaster. Clin Exp Metastasis 2002;19:465476. Yao Y, Li C, Zhou X et al. [, Zody MC, Garber M, Adams DJ, Sharpe T, Harrow J, Lupski JR, Nicholson C, Searle SM, Wilming L, Young SK, Abouelleil A, Allen NR, Bi W, Bloom T, Borowsky ML, Bugalter BE, Butler J, Chang JL, Chen CK, Cook A, Corum B, Cuomo CA, de Jong PJ, DeCaprio D, Dewar K, FitzGerald M, Gilbert J, Gibson R, Gnerre S, Goldstein S, Grafham DV, Grocock R, Hafez N, Hagopian DS, Hart E, Norman CH, Humphray S, Jaffe DB, Jones M, Kamal M, Khodiyar VK, LaButti K, Laird G, Lehoczky J, Liu X, Lokyitsang T, Loveland J, Lui A, Macdonald P, Major JE, Matthews L, Mauceli E, McCarroll SA, Mihalev AH, Mudge J, Nguyen C, Nicol R, O'Leary SB, Osoegawa K, Schwartz DC, Shaw-Smith C, Stankiewicz P, Steward C, Swarbreck D, Venkataraman V, Whittaker CA, Yang X, Zimmer AR, Bradley A, Hubbard T, Birren BW, Rogers J, Lander ES, Nusbaum C: DNA sequence of human chromosome 17 and analysis of rearrangement in the human lineage. Lieberman J . Nature Bosnar MH, De Gunzburg J, Bago R et al. J Virol 2005;79:97149724. Just another WordPress site. (1995). 1996 Oct 11;271(41):25107-16. Structure of monomer, dimer, trimer, and hexamer of NDPK from M. tuberculosis (Figure, Remodeling of the binding site of NDPK from M. tuberculosis. In human cells Vps34 associates with a regulatory . Toggle search field. 2002 Feb 15;46(3):340-2. Lee CS, Pirdas A, Lee MW . For example, ADK7 and ADK8 are both only found in the cytosol of cells; and ADK7 is found in skeletal muscle whereas ADK8 is not. It is concluded that Nm23/NDPKs play critical roles in definitive erythroid development and that reduced iron in Nme1//Nme2+/ erythroblasts is inhibiting their development. Ogura, Y., Yoshida, Y., Yabe, N., and Hasunuma, K. (2001). J. Photochem. 269, 32175-32180. (, MeSH 12, 39-51. Correlation of NM23-H1 cytoplasmic expression with metastatic stage in human prostate cancer tissue. Nature. Additionally, highlighted are the potential implications of NME activity in the nucleus for clinical prognosis and cancer progression. 2023 Mar 10. doi: 10.1007/s10266-023-00798-w. Online ahead of print. NME1 was posited to provide a DNA-nicking activity, acting as an endonuclease in regions of single-stranded DNA, which facilitates TREX1-mediated 35 exonuclease activity.29, DNA-binding activity of NME proteins is evolutionarily conserved. Roberts JS, Atanasova KR, Lee J, Diamond G, Deguzman J, Hee Choi C, Yilmaz . Therefore, a fast and reliable substrate screening method for NKs is of great . (1995). Nucleoside 5-Diphosphate Kinase has been used in a study to assess inhibition of type I Fc epsilon receptor mediated Ca2+influx and mediator secretion in rat mucosal mast cells. David M Kaetzel. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 1991 Jul;88(1):341-5. AK2 is specifically expressed in the stria vascularis of the inner ear which indicates why individuals with an AK2 deficiency will have sensorineural deafness.[19]. [14] Furthermore, it has been shown that the apoenzyme will still sample the 'closed' conformations of the ATPlid and AMPlid domains in the absence of substrates. U.S.A. Their tridimensional structure has been solved by X-ray crystallography and shows that individual subunits present a conserved ferredoxin fold of about 140 residues in prokaryotes, archaea, eukaryotes and viruses. 2004 Jan;36(1):40-5. J Cell Biochem 2006;98:421428. [, Gauci S, Helbig AO, Slijper M, Krijgsveld J, Heck AJ, Mohammed S: Lys-N and trypsin cover complementary parts of the phosphoproteome in a refined SCX-based approach. An additional NHE (5-SHS) was identified upstream of the promoter, which serves as a binding substrate for NME1 and confers silencer activity when linked to either homologous or heterologous promoter elements.23 ChIP analysis in the chronic myelogenous leukemia cell line K562, and the human melanoma cell line M14, has confirmed binding of NME1 and NME2 to the NHEs in the 5-SHS region and PDGFA promoter region.39, 40, The promoter region of the TP53 gene was also identified as a potential binding site for NME proteins through ChIP analysis in the M14 cell line.40 Although the research did not distinguish between NME1 and NME2, both proteins bind to a G-rich region of the TP53 promoter, and, in addition, IFI16, a transcriptional repressor, binds the same regions on the TP53 and CMYC promoters.66 This suggests that transcriptional activity at both the TP53 and CMYC promoters could be determined by competition for promoter occupancy between NME proteins and IFI16.66 Similarly, the rat homolog of NME1 competes with the YB-1 transcription factor for occupancy of a similar NHE within the promoter of the gelatinase A (MMP2) gene.41 Overexpression of NME1 disrupted the YB-1 interaction with the response elements, resulting in decreased MMP2 expression in glomerular mesangial and Rat1 fibroblasts.41 These studies establish a role of NME1 and NME2 proteins in gene regulation, and demonstrate their abilities to bind sites that may be occupied by other transcription factors. 2017 Jun 13;56(23):2886-2896. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00282. J. Biol. Natl. Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK/NM23) and the waltz with multiple partners: possible consequences in tumor metastasis. Having different specificities, the characterization of NKs is essential for drug design and nucleotide analogue production in an in vitro enzymatic process. Epub 2022 Apr 20. Postel EH . Chem. The ATP gamma phosphate is transferred to the NDP beta phosphate via a ping-pong mechanism, using a phosphorylated active-site intermediate. Sign in Or Register . 22, 122-126. Hamada, T., and Hasunuma, K. (1994). However, NME1 was unable to bind to these lipid membranes, which was attributed to a higher ratio of negatively charged amino acids present at the surface of the conserved membrane-binding domain. [15], Nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase catalyzes in vivo ATP-dependent synthesis of ribo- and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates. Cell. Pro72His) deficient in the autophosphorylation and protein kinase activity resulted in lacking the light-induced polarity of perithecia. Mol Cell Biochem 2009;329:5162. DNA sequences acting as binding sites for NM23/NDPK proteins in melanoma M14 cells. Phospho-HSP27 was significantly increased by transfection of GFP-tagged-Ndk into uninfected-GECs, and in vitro phosphorylation assays revealed direct phosphorylation of HSP27 at serines 78 and 82 by P. gingivalis-Ndk. J. Biol. Fujita Y, Fujiwara K, Zenitani S et al. Nuclear functions of NME proteins. In muscle from a variety of species of vertebrates and invertebrates, the concentration of ATP is typically 7-10 times that of ADP, and usually greater than 100 times that of AMP. Epub 2021 Dec 16. This generated AMP can, for example, stimulate various AMP-dependent receptors such as those involved in glycolytic pathways, K-ATP channels, and 5' AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). J Bioenergetics Biomembr 2006;38:163167. NME1 and NME2 have been shown to translocate to the nucleus, although they lack a canonical nuclear localization signal. Mutations in this gene have been identified in aggressive neuroblastomas. Condiciones. Miscellaneous The nucleoside diphosphate kinase D (NM23-H4) binds the inner mitochondrial membrane with high affinity to cardiolipin and couples nucleotide transfer with respiration. [, Chen Y, Gallois-Montbrun S, Schneider B, Veron M, Morera S, Deville-Bonne D, Janin J: Nucleotide binding to nucleoside diphosphate kinases: X-ray structure of human NDPK-A in complex with ADP and comparison to protein kinases. 129, 141-146. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2002;3:364376. Wallet, V., Mutzel, R., Troll, H., Barzu, O., Wurster, B., Vron, M., and Lacombe, M. L. (1990). Nature 1985;313:762766. J Cell Biochem 2009;106:666672. has one phosphate, it is a nucleoside monophosphate (NMP). Function. Ollis DL, Brick P, Hamlin R et al. NME2 (NME/NM23 Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase 2) is a Protein Coding gene. BMC Evol Biol 2011;11:87. Lbeck, J., and Soll, J. ISSN 1530-0307 (online) Bacillus anthracis nucleoside diphosphate kinase (BaNdk) is an enzyme whose primary function is to maintain deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP) pools by converting deoxynucleotide diphosphates to triphosphates using ATP as the major . ENTPDase2 is a member of the cell surface-bound ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (ENTPDase) protein family that hydrolyzes extracellular nucleoside 5-triphosphates and nucleoside 5 . Praveen L. Patidar, Talysa Viera, Farjana J. Fattah, Martin Kosar, Michele Giannattasio, Marco Foiani, Seo Yun Lee, Jae Jin Kim & Kyle M. Miller, Steven E. Guard, Zachary C. Poss, William M. Old, Luisa Siculella, Laura Giannotti, Fabrizio Damiano, Aldo S. Bader, Ben R. Hawley, Martin Bushell, Yael Volman, Ruth Hefetz, Jacob Rachmilewitz, Greg H. P. Ngo, Julia W. Grimstead & Duncan M. Baird, Laboratory Investigation Acta. 1077, 47-55. Fukuchi, T., Nikawa, J., Kimura, N., and Watanabe, K. (1993). 2015 Jul;15(14):2519-24. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201400617. and transmitted securely. Nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDKs) of pathogens that alter host's intra and extracellular environment are discussed, as novel drug targets to simultaneously tackle multiple pathogens. Clinical data imply that the subcellular localization of NME1 could be an important prognostic marker in cancers, at least in a context-specific manner. Nuclear NME proteins may execute a variety of functions, including (a) direct binding and cleavage of DNA in promoter regions of genes with specific secondary structure, such as nuclease-hypersensitive elements (NHE), to either promote or inhibit transcription; (b) binding to transcription factors to indirectly influence gene expression; and (c) recruitment to double-stranded breaks, either contributing to end resection via 35 exonuclease activity (35 EXO), or contributing via nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) activity to the local pool of nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) required for polymerase-mediated fill-in steps of double-stranded break repair (DSBR). U.S.A. Major role in the synthesis of nucleoside triphosphates other than ATP. 1222, 464-470. Close. These candidate genes included nm23, annexin I, protein phosphatase-1, ferritin, proteasome -6, N-acetyl glucosamine kinase (NAGK) and an A6-related protein. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. Thakur RK, Kumar P, Halder K et al. In Spinicia oleraceae two different NDP kinases were detected in the chloroplast, and in Pisum sativum two forms of NDP kinase originated from single species of mRNA could be detected in the choloroplast. Protein target information for Nucleoside diphosphate kinase, mitochondrial (house mouse). Biochim Biophys Acta 2013;1830:47694777. K, Lee J, Lee K, Knight JS et al therefore a!, Lee J, Bago R et al for clinical prognosis and cancer progression of nucleoside diphosphate kinase enzyme of... Core domains Schneiders a, Hommel G et al K. ( 1994 ) Hamlin R et al 2002 15. R01-Ca83237, R01-CA159871, R01-CA159871S1, and Hasunuma, K. ( 1994 ) to load your due! 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