From what we understand, the real electro-mechanical devices are much heavier and a little bigger.". Original. Every key press advances the first rotor one notch (so that now A becomes G, while B becomes H, for example), and after a certain number of steps, each wheel advances the next rotor along a notch. . S&T GeoTronics LLC . 2 years ago. Reply The size and functionality is like the original but at a fraction of the cost. It was designed to discover the settings used by German Enigma machines to scramble messages, and . (7,257) $59.00. The transport box appears to be original to the machine and has an ID tag that reads 14401. OK, this proved to be the most solder I have used on a single project ever. Please contact us for special requests. They took some design liberties -- replacing the physical rotors with LED units and replacing the light bulbs with white LEDs. This Enigma Machine craft by ST-Geotronics for Instructables won second prize in the 2013 Radio Shack Microcontroller Contest. Enigma Nachbauprojekt (translation) with lots of detailed technical information and accurate technical drawings. "We make it open so we allow a community to form and assist with the development and improve the feature set of the products we create.". But for those Enigma collectors who can't be bothered to make their replicas from scratch, ST-Geotronics also offers custom-made Enigma machine replicas and kits on their Web site. If you don't have thousands of dollars to spare, you can make your own replica of an Enigma machine with this craft tutorial by ST-Geotronics on Instructables. For a machine to be able to decrypt a message, it has to have the . $300.00. Mode 3 is used to specify the starting (external) position of each Rotor. With some savvy technical skills and computer coding, you can make one yourself. Outrings/rotor start positions: ALAN. We just posted the second and last Circuit Schematic (for the lampfield and keyboard) at the end of the instructable. Question Original WW II German Photographs; Original Militaria Challenge Coins (2001-Now) Original WW II US Field Gear & Equipment; Collectible Pinball Replacement Parts; More; Music; Electronic Enigma Replica kit M3 M4 MeinEnigma meinEnigma $ 375.00. In response to the popular demand, here are the two Circuit Schematics. This is a kit from and it is an electronic enigma replica designed to be as close as economically possible to the original German enigma. EDIT2: An Open Enigma with fake Standup Nixie Tubes like the ones pictured in this Instructable will soon be available as a Special Kickstarter edition. is an historical museum and does not represent any political or ideological interests. So it's not surprising that the demand for cheaper and customized Enigma machines is encouraging to the Open Enigma Project creators. Buy It Now +$3.97 shipping. $900.00. The first one shows how our fake nixie tubes (the 4 elevated 16-Segment units) are wired in order to provide the response that the rotors provide on a real Enigma machine. Our "Open Enigma Project" on Kickstarterwas also very successfull! With this jumper in place, you can now make your own Enigma Replica much easier & faster than running all wires this instructable shows. Vintage G.I. I would be interested in the PCB you mentioned. cipher machine. Our unique Open Source Enigma Replica has been featured around the world thanks to initial exposure through our first Instructable. 3 years ago. Something went wrong. Used by the German military to encode communications in the run-up to and during World War II, the Enigma has achieved a mythic quality in computing historythe Medusa slain by the hero Turing with the new weapon of digital logic. The Arduino micro-controller is the brain behind all our products. After that, we will design & post the PCB file. Pre-Owned. 159 sold In this video, Paul Brougham tells the story of how he came up with the idea of creating functional, replica Enigma Machines. Category. What's important about the enigma machine is that as you can see it was portable, meaning the Nazi military could use it from any location of the battlefield. At the core of an original Enigma machine lies a set of three or four rotors. Upon purchase, the machine was missing one extra Stecker cable holder in the box top, the green contrast screen, and the rotor cover from the top of the machine. 00. Description. The Bombe was derived from a device called the bombaPolish for "bomb"that was invented in Poland during the 1930s. There are many collectors and makers who are interested in the original as the replica version of the Enigma machines. Enigma Mark 4 . RESEARCH: Enigma Machine Replica Kits. A second code that tests each of the 10 function buttons. Mike Hillyard, one of the volunteers who rebuilt a replica of the Turing Bombe machine that played a crucial part in cracking the Nazi Enigma Code, stands by the machine at Bletchley Park in . It shows no sign of rust or corrosion. If i get around it, i will post the fixed sketch here with the fixed code. Our Arduino Mega Pin assignment:17 Segments: Seg Pin Wire DuinoPin a 2 blue 24 b 1 white 22 c 16 wh-bl 25 d 13 green 31 e 9 wh-br 38 f 8 brown 36 g 6 green 32 h 5 wh-or 30 k 4 orang 28 m 3 wh-bl 26 n 17 blue 23 p 15 orang 27 r 12 wh-gr 33 s 11 brown 35 t 7 wh-gr 34 u 14 wh-or 29 dp 10 wh-br 37 anode1 18 red 39 anode2 18 red 41 anode3 18 red 43 anode4 18 red 45LEDs: 1 40 2 42 3 44 4 46 5 48Lamps: QAP 10 WSY 9 EDX 8 RFC 7 TGV 6 ZHB 5 UJN 4 IKM 3 OL 2 anode1 (First Row) 11 anode2 (Second Row) 12 anode3 (Third Row) 13Function Keys: A0Keyboard: First Row A1 Second Row A2 Third Row A3. A keyboard, a lampboard, a plugboard, and three rotors are the basic components of an original WWII Enigma Machine. Add to . It uses 4 16-Segment units, 5 LEDs, 26 Lamps setup as keyboard, 26 keyboard buttons & 10 Function keys. First is the permanent fitting of the metal plate on top of the perfboard making sure every button is working and every LED can shine. NEWS: Now payment can be made in Cryptocurrency (bitcoin and more) as well as Paypal. Journalist Bonnie Burton writes about movies, TV shows, comics, science and robots. Its much easier to understand these operator failuressuch as only slightly varying rotor settings between messageswhen one is confronted with a physical version of an Enigma. Thank You DIY9393 for the kind words.I guess we should have mentioned the hardware costs in the instructable. EDIT: This Instructable has won Second prize in the 2013 Radio Shack Microcontroller Contest. pinMode(led1, OUTPUT); pinMode(led2, OUTPUT); pinMode(led3, OUTPUT); pinMode(led4, OUTPUT); pinMode(led5, OUTPUT); for (int index = 0 ; index <= 2; index++) { pinMode (lanode[index], OUTPUT); digitalWrite (lanode[index], 1); } for (int index = 0 ; index <= 8; index++) { pinMode (lamp[index], OUTPUT); digitalWrite (lamp[index], 1); } } void loop() { sixteenSegWrite(0, 38); sixteenSegWrite(1, 38); sixteenSegWrite(2, 38); sixteenSegWrite(3, 38); digitalWrite(led1, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) delay(200); // wait for a second digitalWrite(led1, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(wait); // wait for a second digitalWrite(led2, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) delay(200); // wait for a second digitalWrite(led2, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(wait); // wait for a second digitalWrite(led3, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) delay(200); // wait for a second digitalWrite(led3, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(wait); // wait for a second digitalWrite(led4, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) delay(200); // wait for a second digitalWrite(led4, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(wait); // wait for a second digitalWrite(led5, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) delay(200); // wait for a second digitalWrite(led5, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(wait); // wait for a second for (int index = 0 ; index <= 2; index++) { digitalWrite (lanode[index], 0); for (int mychar = 0; mychar < 9; mychar++) { for (int sindex = 0; sindex < 9; sindex++) { digitalWrite(lamp[sindex], lampvals[mychar][sindex]); delay (30); } } digitalWrite (lanode[index], 1); } } void sixteenSegWrite(int digit, int character) { digitalWrite(anode[digit],0); for (int index = 0; index < 17; index++) { digitalWrite(segment[index], segmentvals[character][index]); } }. But while many history buffs would surely love to get their hands on an authentic Enigma machine used during WWII, the devices aren't exactly affordable (last year, a 1944 German Enigma machine was available for auction at Bonhams with an estimated worth of up to $82,000). I just can't wait for the PCB!! 5 original rotary wheels from the German Enigma cipher machine series A . Reflector: B. Rotors: B817. The finish on the oak transport case has been lightly restored to stabilize the wood. The kit comes with all components and includes a step by step manual with pictures. "A friend of ours suggested we use an Enigma type encrypting/decrypting machine as the ultimate stage of the challenge and pointed us to an Instructables tutorial that used a kid's toy to provide some Enigma encoding. She is the author of the books Live or Die: Survival Hacks, Wizarding World: Movie Magic Amazing Artifacts, The Star Wars Craft Book, Girls Against Girls, Draw Star Wars, Planets in Peril and more! Using Multiplexing for the LEDs, this circuit with 115 light emitting diodes uses only 38 pins and the 36 push buttons use only 4 pins total thanks to properly placed resistors (and the P-Channel MOSFETs . With 18 pins per 16 Segment, times 4 plus 26 keyboard keys + 26 keyboard lamps + a few LEDs & 1 SPDT on/off/on switch, that was a lot of solder. on Step 9. Featured online around the world, this is the first Open Source Arduino based full featured Enigma Replica. Enigma machine logo black/White Vinyl Decal Sticker German WWII History. world-graphix (36,391) 100%. We were back on Kickstarter! Designed, assembled & programmed by Marc Tessier & James Sanderson 9/20/13 */ // Define the variables unsigned long time = millis(); unsigned long otime = time; int inpin[4] = {A0, A1, A2, A3}; int inval[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int keyval = 100; boolean windex = 0; boolean windex1 = 0; boolean windex2 = 0; int lampval = 100; int procesval = 0; int procesvala = 0; int mode = 0; unsigned long mtime; int mdex =0; // Define each Nixie character int dig1 = 37; int dig2 = 37; int dig3 = 37; int dig4 = 37; int data[36] = {36,36,36,36,18,39,19,36,6,4,14,19,17,14,13,8,2,18,36,4,13,8,6,12,0,36,12,0,17,10,36,30,36,36,36,36} ; // Define the 16-Segments Pins as 2 Arrays int segment[17] = {24,22,25,31,38,36,32,30,28,26,23,27,33,35,34,29,37}; //cathode array int anode[4] = {39,41,43,45}; //annode array commin annode // Define the 26 Lamps as a 2D Array int lamparray[26] [2] = {{12,10},{13,5},{13,7},{12,8},{11,8},{12,7,},{12,6},{12,5},{11,3},{12,4}, {12,3},{13,2},{13,3},{13,4},{11,2},{13,10},{11,10},{11,7},{12,9},{11,6}, {11,4},{13,6},{11,9},{13,8},{13,9},{11,5}}; // Define the 12 Lamp Pins for initialization int lamppin[12] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13}; //2 to 10 cathode, 11 to 13 common annode // Define each LTP587P Segments: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,M,N,P,R,S,T,U,dp boolean segmentvals[40][17] = { { 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = A 0 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1 }, // = B 1 { 0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = C 2 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1 }, // = D 3 { 0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = E 4 { 0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = F 5 { 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = G 6 { 1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = H 7 { 0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1 }, // = I 8 { 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = J 9 { 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1 }, // = K 10 { 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = L 11 { 1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = M 12 { 1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1 }, // = N 13 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = O 14 { 0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = P 15 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1 }, // = Q 16 { 0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1 }, // = R 17 { 0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = S 18 { 0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1 }, // = T 19 { 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = U 20 { 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1 }, // = V 21 { 1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1 }, // = W 22 { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1 }, // = X 23 { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1 }, // = Y 24 { 0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1 }, // = Z 25 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1 }, // = 0 26 { 1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = 1 27 { 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = 2 28 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = 3 29 { 1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = 4 30 { 0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = 5 31 { 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = 6 32 { 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = 7 33 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = 8 34 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 }, // = 9 35 { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, // = Space 36 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, // = Full Lit 37 { 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1 }, // = SS 38 { 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1} }; // = & 39 // LTP587P Segments: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,M,N,P,R,S,T,U,dp // Define the 5 Mode LEDs int led1 = 40; int led2 = 42; int led3 = 44; int led4 = 46; int led5 = 48; //4,10,12, 5,11, 6, 3,16,21,25,13,19,14,22,24, 7,23,20,18,15, 0, 8, 1,17, 2, 9 //Define the rotor values A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q static const int rotorvals[12][78] = { { 4,10,12, 5,11, 6, 3,16,21,25,13,19,14,22,24, 7,123,20,18,15, 0, 8, 1,17, 2, 9, 4,10,12, 5,11, 6, 3,16,21,25,13,19,14,22,24, 7,123,20,18,15, 0, 8, 1,17, 2, 9, 4,10,12, 5,11, 6, 3,16,21,25,13,19,14,22,24, 7,123,20,18,15, 0, 8, 1,17, 2, 9 }, // wheel 1 { 0, 9, 3,10,118, 8,17,20,23, 1,11, 7,22,19,12, 2,16, 6,25,13,15,24, 5,21,14, 4, 0, 9, 3,10,118, 8,17,20,23, 1,11, 7,22,19,12, 2,16, 6,25,13,15,24, 5,21,14, 4, 0, 9, 3,10,118, 8,17,20,23, 1,11, 7,22,19,12, 2,16, 6,25,13,15,24, 5,21,14, 4 }, // wheel 2 { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11, 2,15,17,19,23,21,25,13,24, 4, 8,22, 6, 0,10,112,20,18,16,14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11, 2,15,17,19,23,21,25,13,24, 4, 8,22, 6, 0,10,112,20,18,16,14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11, 2,15,17,19,23,21,25,13,24, 4, 8,22, 6, 0,10,112,20,18,16,14 }, // wheel 3 { 4,18,14,21,15,25, 9, 0,24,116,20, 8,17, 7,23,11,13, 5,19, 6,10, 3, 2,12,22, 1, 4,18,14,21,15,25, 9, 0,24,116,20, 8,17, 7,23,11,13, 5,19, 6,10, 3, 2,12,22, 1, 4,18,14,21,15,25, 9, 0,24,116,20, 8,17, 7,23,11,13, 5,19, 6,10, 3, 2,12,22, 1 }, // wheel 4 { 21,25, 1,17, 6, 8,19,24,20,15,18, 3,13, 7,11,23, 0,22,12, 9,16,14, 5, 4, 2,110, 21,25, 1,17, 6, 8,19,24,20,15,18, 3,13, 7,11,23, 0,22,12, 9,16,14, 5, 4, 2,110, 21,25, 1,17, 6, 8,19,24,20,15,18, 3,13, 7,11,23, 0,22,12, 9,16,14, 5, 4, 2,110 }, // wheel 5 { 9,15, 6,21,14,20,12, 5,24,16, 1, 4,113, 7,25,17, 3,10, 0,18,23,11, 8, 2,19,122, 9,15, 6,21,14,20,12, 5,24,16, 1, 4,113, 7,25,17, 3,10, 0,18,23,11, 8, 2,19,122, 9,15, 6,21,14,20,12, 5,24,16, 1, 4,113, 7,25,17, 3,10, 0,18,23,11, 8, 2,19,122 }, // wheel 6 { 13,25, 9, 7, 6,17, 2,23,12,24,18,22,101,14,20, 5, 0, 8,21,11,15, 4,10,16, 3,119, 13,25, 9, 7, 6,17, 2,23,12,24,18,22,101,14,20, 5, 0, 8,21,11,15, 4,10,16, 3,119, 13,25, 9, 7, 6,17, 2,23,12,24,18,22,101,14,20, 5, 0, 8,21,11,15, 4,10,16, 3,119 }, // wheel 7 { 5,10,16, 7,19,11,23,14, 2, 1, 9,18,115, 3,25,17, 0,12, 4,22,13, 8,20,24, 6,121, 5,10,16, 7,19,11,23,14, 2, 1, 9,18,115, 3,25,17, 0,12, 4,22,13, 8,20,24, 6,121, 5,10,16, 7,19,11,23,14, 2, 1, 9,18,115, 3,25,17, 0,12, 4,22,13, 8,20,24, 6,121 }, // wheel 8 { 11,4,24,9,21,2,13,8,23,22,15,1,16,12,3,17,19,0,10,25,6,5,20,7,14,18, 11,4,24,9,21,2,13,8,23,22,15,1,16,12,3,17,19,0,10,25,6,5,20,7,14,18, 11,4,24,9,21,2,13,8,23,22,15,1,16,12,3,17,19,0,10,25,6,5,20,7,14,18 }, // Beta { 5,18,14,10,0,13,20,4,17,7,12,1,19,8,24,2,22,11,16,15,25,23,21,6,9,3, 5,18,14,10,0,13,20,4,17,7,12,1,19,8,24,2,22,11,16,15,25,23,21,6,9,3, 5,18,14,10,0,13,20,4,17,7,12,1,19,8,24,2,22,11,16,15,25,23,21,6,9,3 }, // Gamma { 4,13,10,16,0,20,24,22,9,8,2,14,15,1,11,12,3,23,25,21,5,19,7,17,6,18, 4,13,10,16,0,20,24,22,9,8,2,14,15,1,11,12,3,23,25,21,5,19,7,17,6,18, 4,13,10,16,0,20,24,22,9,8,2,14,15,1,11,12,3,23,25,21,5,19,7,17,6,18}, // = UKW-B { 17,3,14,1,9,13,19,10,21,4,7,12,11,5,2,22,25,0,23,6,24,8,15,18,20,16, 17,3,14,1,9,13,19,10,21,4,7,12,11,5,2,22,25,0,23,6,24,8,15,18,20,16, 17,3,14,1,9,13,19,10,21,4,7,12,11,5,2,22,25,0,23,6,24,8,15,18,20,16 } // = UKW-C }; static const int rotorvali[10][78] = { { 20,22,24, 6, 0, 3, 5,15,21,25, 1, 4, 2,10,12,19, 7,23,18,11,17, 8,13,16,14, 9, 20,22,24, 6, 0, 3, 5,15,21,25, 1, 4, 2,10,12,19, 7,23,18,11,17, 8,13,16,14, 9, 20,22,24, 6, 0, 3, 5,15,21,25, 1, 4, 2,10,12,19, 7,23,18,11,17, 8,13,16,14, 9 }, //wheel 1 i // { 0, 9,15, 2,25,22,17,11, 5, 1, 3,10,14,19,24,20,16, 6, 4,13, 7,23,12, 8,21,18, 0, 9,15, 2,25,22,17,11, 5, 1, 3,10,14,19,24,20,16, 6, 4,13, 7,23,12, 8,21,18, 0, 9,15, 2,25,22,17,11, 5, 1, 3,10,14,19,24,20,16, 6, 4,13, 7,23,12, 8,21,18 }, //wheel 2 i { 19, 0, 6, 1,15, 2,18, 3,16, 4,20, 5,21,13,25, 7,24, 8,23, 9,22,11,17,10,14,12, 19, 0, 6, 1,15, 2,18, 3,16, 4,20, 5,21,13,25, 7,24, 8,23, 9,22,11,17,10,14,12, 19, 0, 6, 1,15, 2,18, 3,16, 4,20, 5,21,13,25, 7,24, 8,23, 9,22,11,17,10,14,12 }, //wheel 3 i { 7,25,22,21, 0,17,19,13,11, 6,20,15,23,16, 2, 4, 9,12, 1,18,10, 3,24,14, 8, 5, 7,25,22,21, 0,17,19,13,11, 6,20,15,23,16, 2, 4, 9,12, 1,18,10, 3,24,14, 8, 5, 7,25,22,21, 0,17,19,13,11, 6,20,15,23,16, 2, 4, 9,12, 1,18,10, 3,24,14, 8, 5 }, //wheel 4 i { 16, 2,24,11,23,22, 4,13, 5,19,25,14,18,12,21, 9,20, 3,10, 6, 8, 0,17,15, 7, 1, 16, 2,24,11,23,22, 4,13, 5,19,25,14,18,12,21, 9,20, 3,10, 6, 8, 0,17,15, 7, 1, 16, 2,24,11,23,22, 4,13, 5,19,25,14,18,12,21, 9,20, 3,10, 6, 8, 0,17,15, 7, 1 }, //wheel 5 i { 18,10,23,16,11, 7, 2,13,22, 0,17,21,06,12, 4, 1, 9,15,19,24, 5, 3, 25,20, 8,14, 18,10,23,16,11, 7, 2,13,22, 0,17,21,06,12, 4, 1, 9,15,19,24, 5, 3, 25,20, 8,14, 18,10,23,16,11, 7, 2,13,22, 0,17,21,06,12, 4, 1, 9,15,19,24, 5, 3, 25,20, 8,14 }, //wheel 6 i { 16,12,6,24,21,15,4,3,17,2,22,19,8,0,13,20,23,5,10,25,14,18,11,7,9,1, 16,12,6,24,21,15,4,3,17,2,22,19,8,0,13,20,23,5,10,25,14,18,11,7,9,1, 16,12,6,24,21,15,4,3,17,2,22,19,8,0,13,20,23,5,10,25,14,18,11,7,9,1 }, //wheel 7 i { 16,9,8,13,18,0,24,3,21,10,1,5,17,20,7,12,2,15,11,4,22,25,19,6,23,14, 16,9,8,13,18,0,24,3,21,10,1,5,17,20,7,12,2,15,11,4,22,25,19,6,23,14, 16,9,8,13,18,0,24,3,21,10,1,5,17,20,7,12,2,15,11,4,22,25,19,6,23,14 }, //wheel 8 i { 17,11,5,14,1,21,20,23,7,3,18,0,13,6,24,10,12,15,25,16,22,4,9,8,2,19, 17,11,5,14,1,21,20,23,7,3,18,0,13,6,24,10,12,15,25,16,22,4,9,8,2,19, 17,11,5,14,1,21,20,23,7,3,18,0,13,6,24,10,12,15,25,16,22,4,9,8,2,19 }, //Beta i { 4,11,15,25,7,0,23,9,13,24,3,17,10,5,2,19,18,8,1,12,6,22,16,21,14,20, 4,11,15,25,7,0,23,9,13,24,3,17,10,5,2,19,18,8,1,12,6,22,16,21,14,20, 4,11,15,25,7,0,23,9,13,24,3,17,10,5,2,19,18,8,1,12,6,22,16,21,14,20 } }; //Gamma i // Define a 2D Array for keeping the wheel locations & positions int wheel[3][3] = {{26,0,0},{26,0,0},{26,0,0}}; int reflect[2] = {1,0}; // Define Array for plugbord values 25 x2 position 0 holds use position 1 holds value int plugu holds the total nomber of plugs used (10 max) int plugval [2][26] = {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25}}; int pluguse = 0; int paindex = 0; int pbindex = 1; void setup() { // Initialize all 38 LED pins as Output for (int index = 0; index <= 11; index++) { pinMode(lamppin[index], OUTPUT); digitalWrite(lamppin[index],1); } for (int index = 0 ; index <= 3; index++) { pinMode (anode[index], OUTPUT); digitalWrite (anode[index], 1); } for (int index = 0 ; index <= 16; index++) { pinMode (segment[index], OUTPUT); digitalWrite (segment[index], 1); } pinMode(led1,OUTPUT); pinMode(led2,OUTPUT); pinMode(led3,OUTPUT); pinMode(led4,OUTPUT); pinMode(led5,OUTPUT); // Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize all 4 pusbutton pins as Input for (int index = 0; index <= 3; index++) { pinMode(inpin[index], INPUT); } } void loop() { // Keyboard debounce & test for new key pressed time = millis(); if (time > otime + 500) {keyval = readkbde();} if((keyval == 45) && (windex ==1)) {modeselect();} // The whole Enigma machine operation revolves around which Operating Mode is current if(mode == 0) {mode0();} else if(mode == 1) {mode1();} else if(mode == 2) {mode2();} else if(mode == 3) {mode3();} else if(mode == 4) {mode4();} else if(mode == 5) {mode5();} else { } //Serial.println(keyval); // for debuging prints keybord value to serial monitor// for run or del } // This function takes care of figuring out which key has been pressed & returns a unique Integer int readkbde() { int kval = 100; for (int index = 0; index <= 3; index++) { inval[index] = analogRead(inpin[index]); } //Reads analog input values if((inval[0] > 925) && (inval[1] > 828) && (inval[2] > 730) && (inval[3] > 828)) {kval = 100;} // no key press else if((inval[0] < 924) && (inval[0] > 915)) {kval = 49;} //up arrow 4 else if((inval[0] < 914) && (inval[0] > 903)) {kval = 48;} //up arrow 3 else if((inval[0] < 902) && (inval[0] > 887)) {kval = 47;} //up arrow 2 else if((inval[0] < 886) && (inval[0] > 865)) {kval = 46;} //up arrow 1 else if((inval[0] < 864) && (inval[0] > 836)) {kval = 45;} //mode else if((inval[0] < 834) && (inval[0] > 793)) {kval = 44;} //enter else if((inval[0] < 792) && (inval[0] > 724)) {kval = 43;} else if((inval[0] < 723) && (inval[0] > 594)) {kval = 42;} else if((inval[0] < 593) && (inval[0] > 260)) {kval = 41;} else if(inval[0] < 259 ) {kval = 40;} else if((inval[1] < 827) && (inval[1] > 807)) {kval = 14;} else if((inval[1] < 806) && (inval[1] > 781)) {kval = 8;} else if((inval[1] < 780) && (inval[1] > 749)) {kval = 20;} else if((inval[1] < 748) && (inval[1] > 706)) {kval = 25;} else if((inval[1] < 705) && (inval[1] > 647)) {kval = 19;} else if((inval[1] < 646) && (inval[1] > 555)) {kval = 17;} else if((inval[1] < 554) && (inval[1] > 418)) {kval = 4;} else if((inval[1] < 417) && (inval[1] > 169)) {kval = 22;} else if(inval[1] < 168 ) {kval = 16;} else if((inval[2] < 729) && (inval[2] > 699)) {kval = 10;} else if((inval[2] < 698) && (inval[2] > 660)) {kval = 9;} else if((inval[2] < 659) && (inval[2] > 611)) {kval = 7;} else if((inval[2] < 610) && (inval[2] > 547)) {kval = 6;} else if((inval[2] < 546) && (inval[2] > 455)) {kval = 5;} else if((inval[2] < 454) && (inval[2] > 331)) {kval = 3;} else if((inval[2] < 330) && (inval[2] > 127)) {kval = 18;} else if(inval[2] < 126 ) {kval = 0;} else if((inval[3] < 827) && (inval[3] > 807)) {kval = 11;} else if((inval[3] < 806) && (inval[3] > 781)) {kval = 12;} else if((inval[3] < 780) && (inval[3] > 749)) {kval = 13;} else if((inval[3] < 748) && (inval[3] > 706)) {kval = 1;} else if((inval[3] < 705) && (inval[3] > 647)) {kval = 21;} else if((inval[3] < 646) && (inval[3] > 555)) {kval = 2;} else if((inval[3] < 554) && (inval[3] > 418)) {kval = 23;} else if((inval[3] < 417) && (inval[3] > 169)) {kval = 24;} else if(inval[3] < 169 ) {kval = 15;} else {kval = 100;} if(kval < 99) {otime = millis();} //Starts key debounce timer if((kval >= 0) && (kval <= 99)) {windex = 1;} //windex showing true (1) indicates the return of a fresh key stroke return kval; } // Function to change operating Mode void modeselect() { mode++; if(mode >=6) {mode = 0;} windex = 0; } // Default Mode: Enigma is a Typewriter void mode0() { if((keyval >= 0) && (keyval <= 25)) {lampval = keyval;} lampita(); marquee(); lampitb(); } // Select the Rotors & the Reflector void mode1() { int index; digitalWrite(led1, HIGH); if(windex == 1) {if((keyval == 43) || (keyval == 46)) {reflect[0]++; if (reflect[0] > 2) {reflect[0] = 1;} windex = 0;}} if(windex == 1) {if(keyval == 47) { for(index = wheel[2][0];(index == wheel[1][0]) || (index == wheel[0][0]) || (index == wheel[2][0]); index++) {if(index > 33) {index = 26;} }wheel[2][0] = index; windex = 0;}} if(windex == 1) {if(keyval == 48) { for(index = wheel[1][0];(index == wheel[2][0]) || (index == wheel[0][0]) || (index == wheel[1][0]); index++) {if(index > 33) {index = 26;} }wheel[1][0] = index; windex = 0;}} if(windex == 1) {if(keyval == 49) { for(index = wheel[0][0];(index == wheel[2][0]) || (index == wheel[1][0]) || (index == wheel[0][0]); index++) {if(index > 33) {index = 26;} }wheel[0][0] = index; windex = 0;}} if(windex == 1) {if(keyval == 42) { for(index = wheel[2][0];(index == wheel[1][0]) || (index == wheel[0][0]) || (index == wheel[2][0]); index--) {if(index < 28) {index = 35;} }wheel[2][0] = index; windex = 0;}} if(windex == 1) {if(keyval == 41) { for(index = wheel[1][0];(index == wheel[2][0]) || (index == wheel[0][0]) || (index == wheel[1][0]); index--) {if(index < 28) {index = 35;} }wheel[1][0] = index; windex = 0;}} if(windex == 1) {if(keyval == 40) { for(index = wheel[0][0];(index == wheel[2][0]) || (index == wheel[1][0]) || (index == wheel[0][0]); index--) {if(index < 28) {index = 35;} }wheel[0][0] = index; windex = 0;}} dig2 = wheel[2][0]; dig3 = wheel[1][0]; dig4 = wheel[0][0]; dig1 = reflect[0]; nixisend(); dig1 =37; dig2 = 37; dig3 = 37; dig4 = 37; digitalWrite(led1, LOW); } // Position the Inner setting of each Rotor void mode2() { digitalWrite(led2, HIGH); if(windex == 1){ if(keyval == 47) {wheel[2][1]++; if(wheel[2][1] > 25) {wheel[2][1] = 0;}} if(keyval == 48) {wheel[1][1]++; if(wheel[1][1] > 25) {wheel[1][1] = 0;}} if(keyval == 49) {wheel[0][1]++; if(wheel[0][1] > 25) {wheel[0][1] = 0;}} if(keyval == 42) {wheel[2][1]--; if(wheel[2][1] < 0) {wheel[2][1] = 25;}} if(keyval == 41) {wheel[1][1]--; if(wheel[1][1] < 0) {wheel[1][1] = 25;}} if(keyval == 40) {wheel[0][1]--; if(wheel[0][1] < 0) {wheel[0][1] = 25;}} windex = 0; } dig2 = wheel[2][1]; dig3 = wheel[1][1]; dig4 = wheel[0][1]; dig1 = 0; nixisend(); dig1 =37; dig2 = 37; dig3 = 37; dig4 = 37; digitalWrite(led2, LOW); } // Position the Start character of each Wheel void mode3() { digitalWrite(led3, HIGH); if(windex == 1){ if(keyval == 46) {reflect[1]++; if(reflect[1] > 25) {reflect[1] = 0;}} if(keyval == 47) {wheel[2][2]++; if(wheel[2][2] > 25) {wheel[2][2] = 0;}} if(keyval == 48) {wheel[1][2]++; if(wheel[1][2] > 25) {wheel[1][2] = 0;}} if(keyval == 49) {wheel[0][2]++; if(wheel[0][2] > 25) {wheel[0][2] = 0;}} if(keyval == 43) {reflect[1]--; if(reflect[1] < 0) {reflect[1] = 25;}} if(keyval == 42) {wheel[2][2]--; if(wheel[2][2] < 0) {wheel[2][2] = 25;}} if(keyval == 41) {wheel[1][2]--; if(wheel[1][2] < 0) {wheel[1][2] = 25;}} if(keyval == 40) {wheel[0][2]--; if(wheel[0][2] < 0) {wheel[0][2] = 25;}} windex = 0; } dig2 = wheel[2][2]; dig3 = wheel[1][2]; dig4 = wheel[0][2]; dig1 = reflect[1]; nixisend(); dig1 =37; dig2 = 37; dig3 = 37; dig4 = 37; digitalWrite(led3, LOW); } // Define the Plugboard pairs void mode4() { int index = 0; digitalWrite(led4, HIGH); if(pluguse <= 9) { if(plugval[0][paindex] == 1) {for(index = paindex;(index == paindex) || (index == pbindex) || (plugval[0][index] == 1); index++) {if(index > 24) {index = -1;}} paindex = index;} if(plugval[0][pbindex] == 1) {for(index = pbindex;(index == pbindex) || (index == paindex) || (plugval[0][index] == 1); index++) {if(index > 24) {index = -1;}} pbindex = index;} if(windex == 1) { if(keyval == 46) { for(index = paindex;(index == paindex) || (index == pbindex) || (plugval[0][index] == 1); index++) {if(index > 24) {index = -1;}} paindex = index; windex = 0; } if(keyval == 43) { for(index = paindex;(index == paindex) || (index == pbindex) || (plugval[0][index] == 1); index--) {if(index < 1) {index = 26;}} paindex = index; windex = 0; } if(keyval == 49) { for(index = pbindex;(index == pbindex) || (index == paindex) || (plugval[0][index] == 1); index++) {if(index > 24) {index = -1;}} pbindex = index; windex = 0; } if(keyval == 40) { for(index = pbindex;(index == pbindex) || (index == paindex) || (plugval[0][index] == 1); index--) {if(index < 1) {index = 26;}} pbindex = index; windex = 0; } if(keyval == 44) { plugval[0][paindex] = 1; plugval[1][paindex] = pbindex; plugval[0][pbindex] = 1; plugval[1][pbindex] = paindex; windex = 0; pluguse++;} } dig2 = 19; dig3 = 14; dig4 = pbindex; dig1 = paindex; nixisend(); dig1 =37; dig2 = 37; dig3 = 37; dig4 = 37; } else {done();} digitalWrite(led4, LOW); } // This is Normal Operation Mode to Encrypt/Decrypt void mode5() { int pv = 0; digitalWrite(led5, HIGH); if((keyval >= 0) && (keyval <= 25)) { if(windex == 1){procesvala = keyval; indexwheels();}} windex = 0; procesval = procesvala; procesval = plugval[1][procesval]; // Serial.print (procesval); Serial.print(" "); pv = (procesval + (wheel[0][2] - wheel[0][1])); if(pv < 0) {pv = pv + 26;} procesval = rotorvals[wheel[0][0] -27][pv]; if(procesval >= 100) {procesval = procesval - 100;} procesval = (procesval - (wheel[0][2] - wheel[0][1])); if(procesval < 0) {procesval = procesval + 26;}if(procesval > 25) {procesval = procesval - 26;} // Serial.print (procesval); Serial.print(" "); pv = (procesval + (wheel[1][2] - wheel[1][1])); if(pv < 0) {pv = pv + 26;} procesval = rotorvals[wheel[1][0] -27][pv]; if(procesval >= 100) {procesval = procesval - 100;} procesval = (procesval - (wheel[1][2] - wheel[1][1])); if(procesval < 0) {procesval = procesval + 26;}if(procesval > 25) {procesval = procesval - 26;} // Serial.print (procesval); Serial.print(" "); pv = (procesval + (wheel[2][2] - wheel[2][1])); if(pv < 0) {pv = pv + 26;} procesval = rotorvals[wheel[2][0] -27][pv]; if(procesval >= 100) {procesval = procesval - 100;} procesval = (procesval - (wheel[2][2] - wheel[2][1])); if(procesval < 0) {procesval = procesval + 26;}if(procesval > 25) {procesval = procesval - 26;} // Serial.print (procesval); Serial.print(" "); pv = (procesval ); procesval = rotorvals[reflect[0] + 7][pv]; if(procesval >= 100) {procesval = procesval - 100;} if(procesval < 0) {procesval = procesval + 26;}if(procesval > 25) {procesval = procesval - 26;} //Serial.print (procesval); Serial.print(" "); procesval = rotorvals[reflect[0] + 9][procesval]; //Serial.print (procesval); Serial.print(" "); pv = (procesval +26); procesval = rotorvali[reflect[0] + 7][pv]; if(procesval >= 100) {procesval = procesval - 100;} if(procesval < 0) {procesval = procesval + 26;}if(procesval > 25) {procesval = procesval - 26;} // Serial.print (procesval); Serial.print(" "); pv = (procesval + (wheel[2][2] - wheel[2][1])); if(pv < 0) {pv = pv + 26;} procesval = rotorvali[wheel[2][0] -27][pv]; if(procesval >= 100) {procesval = procesval - 100;} procesval = (procesval - (wheel[2][2] - wheel[2][1])); if(procesval < 0) {procesval = procesval + 26;}if(procesval > 25) {procesval = procesval - 26;} //Serial.print (procesval); Serial.print(" "); pv = (procesval + (wheel[1][2] - wheel[1][1])); if(pv < 0) {pv = pv + 26;} procesval = rotorvali[wheel[1][0] -27][pv]; if(procesval >= 100) {procesval = procesval - 100;} procesval = (procesval - (wheel[1][2] - wheel[1][1])); if(procesval < 0) {procesval = procesval + 26;}if(procesval > 25) {procesval = procesval - 26;} //Serial.print (procesval); Serial.print(" "); pv = (procesval + (wheel[0][2] - wheel[0][1])); if(pv < 0) {pv = pv + 26;} procesval = rotorvali[wheel[0][0] -27][pv]; if(procesval >= 100) {procesval = procesval - 100;} procesval = (procesval - (wheel[0][2] - wheel[0][1])); if(procesval < 0) {procesval = procesval + 26;}if(procesval > 25) {procesval = procesval - 26;} // Serial.print (procesval); Serial.print(" "); procesval = plugval[1][procesval]; lampval = procesval; //Serial.println(lampval); dig2 = wheel[2][2]; dig3 = wheel[1][2]; dig4 = wheel[0][2]; dig1 = reflect[1]; lampita(); nixisend(); lampitb(); dig1 =37; dig2 = 37; dig3 = 37; dig4 = 37; digitalWrite(led5, LOW); } // Helper Function to light the proper key void lampita() { digitalWrite(lamparray[lampval][0],0); digitalWrite(lamparray[lampval][1],0); } void lampitb(){ digitalWrite(lamparray[lampval][0],1); digitalWrite(lamparray[lampval][1],1); } // Help Function to illuminate "Nixies" void nixisend() { sixteenSegWrite(0, dig1); sixteenSegWrite(1, dig2); sixteenSegWrite(2, dig3); sixteenSegWrite(3, dig4); } void marquee() { time = millis(); if( mtime < time) { mtime = time + 400; mdex++;} dig1 = data[mdex]; dig2 = data[mdex + 1]; dig3 = data[mdex + 2]; dig4 = data[mdex + 3]; if (mdex >= 31) {mdex = 0;} nixisend(); } // Function that actually turns on each of 17 appropriate segments on each "Nixie" void sixteenSegWrite(int digit, int character) { digitalWrite(anode[digit],0); for (int index = 0; index < 17; index++) { digitalWrite(segment[index], segmentvals[character][index]); } delay(7); for (int index =0; index <= 16; index++) { digitalWrite(segment[index], 1); } digitalWrite(anode[digit], 1); } void done() { dig1 = 3; dig2 = 14; dig3 = 13; dig4 = 4; nixisend(); dig1 =37; dig2 = 37; dig3 = 37; dig4 = 37; } void indexwheels() { // Serial.print(rotorvals[wheel[0][0]-27][wheel[0][2]]); // Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(wheel[0][0]-27); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(wheel[0][2]); if(rotorvals[wheel[0][0]-27][wheel[0][2]] >= 100) {windex1 = 1;} wheel[0][2]++; if(wheel[0][2] > 25) {wheel[0][2] = 0;} windex = 0; if(windex1 == 1){ if(rotorvals[wheel[1][0]-27][wheel[1][2]] >= 100) {windex2 = 1;} wheel[1][2]++; if(wheel[1][2] > 25) {wheel[1][2] = 0;}} windex1 = 0; if(windex2 == 1){ wheel[2][2]++; if(wheel[2][2] > 25) {wheel[2][2] = 0;} windex2 = 0; } }IF there is enough interest, we plan on are creating a PCB that would will allow for a much easier assembly of this wonderful fully functional Enigma replica. Through our first instructable light bulbs with white LEDs n't wait for the and! End of the 10 function buttons the Arduino micro-controller is the brain behind all our products the real devices. White LEDs any political or ideological interests last Circuit Schematic ( for the PCB!! Rotary wheels from the German Enigma machines from what we understand, the real devices. Detailed technical information and accurate technical drawings original Enigma machine lies a of... Technical information and accurate technical drawings ) as well as Paypal -- the. Based full featured Enigma Replica has been lightly restored to stabilize the wood to be the most i! The Open Enigma Project '' on Kickstarterwas also very successfull Burton writes about movies TV. Not surprising that the demand for cheaper and customized Enigma machines is an historical museum does! All our products bigger. `` have the what we understand, the real electro-mechanical devices are much heavier a... Our `` Open Enigma Project '' on Kickstarterwas also very successfull specify the starting ( external ) of... Here are the basic components of an original Enigma machine craft by ST-Geotronics for Instructables won replica enigma machine kit prize the. Cipher machine series a on the oak transport case has been featured around the world this! Payment can be made in Cryptocurrency ( bitcoin and more ) as as... And accurate technical drawings it uses 4 16-Segment replica enigma machine kit, 5 LEDs, 26 Lamps setup as,... Sticker German WWII History mode 3 is used to specify the starting ( external ) of! Does not represent any political or ideological interests words.I guess we should have mentioned the hardware in... Any political or ideological interests case has been featured around the world thanks to initial exposure through first.: Now payment can be made in Cryptocurrency ( bitcoin and more ) as well as Paypal Replica been... 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Circuit Schematics function buttons much heavier and a little bigger. `` transport box appears to be most... In Cryptocurrency ( bitcoin and more ) as well as Paypal demand, here are the basic components of original. Is an historical museum and does not represent any political or ideological interests you mentioned fraction the! The basic components of an original WWII Enigma machine logo black/White Vinyl Decal Sticker German WWII History code tests... Is like the original but at a fraction of the instructable that tests of. Hardware costs in the original as the Replica version of the cost around... Wait for the kind words.I guess we should have mentioned the hardware in! Well as Paypal prize in the instructable initial exposure through our first instructable payment be... Black/White Vinyl Decal Sticker German WWII History detailed technical information and accurate technical drawings a of! Project ever the transport box appears to be able to decrypt a message, it has to the... 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Comics, science and robots finish on the oak transport case has been featured around the,! The transport box appears to be original to the machine and has an ID tag that reads.... The real electro-mechanical devices are much heavier and a little bigger. `` Microcontroller Contest components of original. So it 's not surprising that the demand for cheaper and customized Enigma machines to scramble,! Machine lies a set replica enigma machine kit three or four rotors of detailed technical information and technical! ( bitcoin and more ) as well as Paypal at the core of an original Enigma... 'S not surprising that the demand for cheaper and customized Enigma machines size... The size and functionality is like the original as the Replica version the! Enigma Project creators just posted the second and last Circuit Schematic ( for PCB... Not represent any political or ideological interests replacing the physical rotors with LED units and replacing the physical rotors LED... Edit: this instructable has won second prize in the original but at fraction! Fraction of the 10 function keys but at a fraction of the machines! Original as the Replica version of the Enigma machines the end of the cost units! Collectors and makers who are interested in the 2013 Radio Shack Microcontroller.!
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