We adopted the term forest gardens to refer to novel ecosystems that have been managed and maintained by Indigenous peoples and thus have no natural analog. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on this website. Our paper should be of practical use to researchers developing trait databases or wanting to make mechanistic predictions about how species will respond to environmental change. About the paper The intricate interdependencies Continue reading Aoife Cantwell-Jones: How Arctic bees interact with plants depends on body size variation and spatiotemporal context. MacDonald, G. F. and R. I. Inglis. Plant communities in forest gardens and periphery forests were found to be conspicuously distinct from one another even > 150 years after people left their villages following colonial-settler invasions. T: +44 20 3994 8282 E: hello@britishecologicalsociety.org B. Wilson. International Journal of Ecology publishes articles in all areas of ecological sciences, The journal encourages the submission of big data studies, either presenting novel findings from large datasets or demonstrating new analytical techniques. Environmental Science & Policy 101:1-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2019.07.002, Spasojevic, M., J. 2020. We chose these traits because they represent important axes of plant life-history variation and can also have important consequences for ecosystem functioning, while also having relevance to ethnobotanical plant uses (Prez-Harguindeguy et al. In his study of decomposition across a 700 m altitudinal gradient Continue reading Matthew Krna: Decomposition rates of leaf litter are temperature-independent, In this podcast for Functional Ecology, Assistant Editor, Frank Harris, sits down with Thomas ChouvencAssistant Professor at the University of Floridato discuss his recently published paper Eusociality and the transition from biparental to alloparental care in termites. Thomas paper shows that, in eusocial insects, colony foundation is a critical bottleneck, where the founding individuals must engage in a temporary (but obligatory) parental care phase that Continue reading Eusociality and the transition from biparental to alloparental care in termites: Podcast Transcript. permission is required to reuse all or part of the article published by MDPI, including figures and tables. 1). is an aromatic and medicinal plant of the Asteraceae family exploited in Cameroon under the access and benefit sharing (ABS) standard. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. 2004). These land-use and management legacies contrast with the reduced species diversity, habitat loss, and soil depletion often associated with large-scale industrial land-use and other markers associated with the Anthropocene (Sanderman et al. Publishing opportunities in plant ecology, Supporting LGBTQIA+ ecologists: pronouns and gender neutral language, Kasia Mikoajczak: Serving on a SIG committee, Rhosanna Jenkins: Overseeing a journal blog, Donate Today to Inspire the Next Generation of Ecologists, Write your will online or over the phone for FREE today, Parasite and Pathogen Ecology and Evolution, Help shape the future of your Society on a BES Committee, Capturing Ecology: Photography Competition, Capturing Ecology 2021 Virtual Exhibition, Safeguarding and Code of Conduct Policies, Public Engagement and Science Communication Awards, Pedagogical research and development grants, Connecting ecologists with other disciplines grants, EDGE Network - Call for Committee Vacancies, People, Policy & Planet: Accessing and Maximising Nature in England, How disgust-related avoidance behaviours help animals survive, Guidance for LGBTQIA+ inclusion during ecology fieldwork, Peregrine falcon diets affected by human activities according to new study. 2003. Functional Ecology 24:867-876. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2435.2010.01695.x, Mouillot, D., N. A. Graham, S. Villger, N. W. Mason, and D. R. Bellwood. Turner, N. J. and S. Peacock. Five plant species, predominantly conifer trees, are significant (P < 0.05) indicators of the periphery forests, including western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) and western redcedar (Thuja plicata) (Table 1). A village complex refers to a landscape with two or more adjacent villages consisting of multiple houses (5-20 houses per village). BC studies: The British Columbian Quarterly 48:37-63. We used the line transect method to survey birds along 39 transects, each 1km in length, and collected data on environmental variables along the same transects. Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive 2019). This could be a model of heat exchange or energy exchange, which are ecophysiological in nature. 2017. We employed simple random sampling techniques to select villages and respondents. Grace, S. Harrison,and E. Damschen. WebThe scope of Ecosphere is as broad as the science of ecology itself. 138). Enabling a mechanistic understanding of ecological pattern and process from the organismic to the ecosystem scale. Agroecology; Applied ecology ; Autecology ; Behavioural ecology ; Biodiversity ecology ; Biogeochemistry ; MDPI and/or Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34:969-980. https://doi.org/10.1139/x04-002, Fa, J. E., J. E. Watson, I. Leiper, P. Potapov, T. D. Evans, N. D. Burgess, Z. Molnr, . FernndezLlamazares, T. Duncan, S. Wang, and B. J. Austin, 2020. 6). For each village complex we compare plant communities in (1) forest gardens directly adjacent to archaeological features and, (2) periphery conifer forests at the margins of villages (~300+ m from closest village features such as house depressions). Utilization of Low Molecular Weight Carbon Sources by Fungi and Saprolegniales: Implications for Their Ecology and Taxonomy. Zander, B. Austin, E.S. A story of sex, stress and hyena poops. Pollination syndrome was characterized for each species as wind-pollinated, insect-pollinated, or self-pollinated. 2017, 2018). Read the winning articles. https://www.mdpi.com/openaccess. Echinops giganteus A. Segui @dovidea For example, large seeds tend to be more tolerant of stressful conditions like drought and competition in juvenile life stages (Westoby et al. 2019. created by the long-term tending of these ecosystems. interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. Help us to further improve by taking part in this short 5 minute survey, Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria from Tunisian Soils, Isolation and Characterisation of Electrogenic Bacteria from Mud Samples, Determinants and Assembly Mechanism of Bacterial Community Structure in Ningxia Section of the Yellow River, https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/11/3/782/xml, https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/11/3/782/pdf, https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/11/3/782#supplementary, https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/11/3/782/html. Ecology of Echinops giganteus A. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms11030782, Masigol, Hossein, Hans-Peter Grossart, Seyedeh Roksana Taheri, Reza Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa, Mohammad Javad Pourmoghaddam, Ali Chenari Bouket, and Seyed Akbar Khodaparast. 2019. There are numerous species in the lower layers of forest gardens (e.g., wild ginger [Asarum caudatum] and wild sarsaparilla [Aralia nudicaulis]) that are therefore sheltered from the sun, despite the lack of a closed upper canopy. One hundred and nineteen plant taxa were recorded across the forest gardens and periphery forests at our four study sites. 2013). In order to investigate the functional diversity legacies of forest gardens, we sampled plant communities from four archaeological village complexes in British Columbia, Canada (Fig. Traits related to resource acquisition and stress tolerance, such as specific leaf area, might be especially important predictors of how plant community composition will shift under global pressures such as climate change (Sayer et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. 114:9575-9580. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1706103114, Sayer, E. J., A. E. Oliver, J. D. Fridley, A. P. Askew, R. T. Mills, and J. P. Grime. My main research focus has been finding ways to quantify how environments constrain where organisms can or cant occur, through a mechanistic understanding of their niche. In Indigenous Peoples Land Rights and the Roles of Ethnoecology and Ethnobotany: Strategies for Canadas Future. See further details. Open Research. Notably, this contrasts with most studies of land-use legacies of human impact We conducted botanical inventories in 5 x 5m plots in both forest gardens and periphery forests. Anthropocene 4:33-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2013.08.002, Ross, N. J. Micro and nanoplastics have already invaded our diet in various ways. Reservations typically account for less than 1% of Indigenous peoples territories in British Columbia, but they are often exempted from large-scale industrial logging that otherwise occurs on adjacent lands. 2015). The captains fishing experience, vessel size, the number of nets on a boat, cooperation for inputs, supplies, and problem-solving, fishing registration, operation distance, and the fishing grounds were the main factors influencing the technical efficiency. 2005), while the less even distribution of functional traits in periphery forests suggests that niche space may be underutilized. At each of the archaeological sites, we selected plots at random and additional plots were sampled until species richness was recorded to redundancy (i.e., no new species recorded). Plant ecological strategies: some leading dimensions of variation between species. A study of a grasshopper from Australias arid zone that has ditched males and instead reproduces clonally (parthenogenesis). The higher functional evenness in forest gardens may indicate more effective use of locally available resources (Mason et al. The We use plant inventories (n = 46) and examine species richness and four functional traits, as well as functional diversity metrics (measures of the range and distribution of functional traits within communities) at four forest gardens and periphery conifer forests at archaeological village complexes in British Columbia (Fig. However, the ecology of a species is not necessarily governed by its nomenclature, but instead by its functional traits ().Traits such as body size, feeding behavior/diet, and mobility broadly determine what, how, and where resources are document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The official blog of Functional Ecology, a British Ecological Society Journal. Journal of Ethnobiology 37:346-367. https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-37.2.346, Mason, N. W. H., D. Mouillot, W. G. Lee, and J. The selected functional traitsseed mass, shade tolerance, pollination syndrome, and dispersal syndromerepresent axes of life history variation that we expect to be affected by human actions (see Funk et al. 2014. However, in addition to the economic viability of larger seed mass for humans (larger edible fruits), management practices that have selected for large-seeded plants may have also conferred long-persisting ecological effects. Still, remnant forest gardens on the west coast of Canada (British Columbia) are slowly contracting due to encroachment by conifer trees, which tend to colonize disturbed woodlands in the region (e.g., Deal et al. The importance of indigenous knowledge in curbing the loss of language and biodiversity. This could potentially lead to lower productivity and higher susceptibility to invasion (Mason et al. Journal of Biogeography 44:2903-2915. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13096, Kattge, J., G. Bnisch, S. Daz, S. Lavorel, I. C. Prentice, P. Leadley, S. Tautenhahn, G. D. A. Werner, et al. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA: https://doi.org/10.1525/9780520933101. At two village sites, Robintown and Kitselas Canyon, two indicator specieshazelnut (Corylus cornuta) and Pacific crabapple (Malus fusca)fall outside of their natural geographic range, and both have well documented ethnographic evidence for anthropogenic influence on their distributions (McDonald 2003, Armstrong et al. 2014 for alpha diversity, Odonne et al. Launch event: Future of ecological research in the UK, How climate change and invasive species threaten tree frogs, about How climate change and invasive species threaten tree frogs, Regenerative Agriculture and Nature Networks Workshop Brief. 2017 on trait selection), and thus we predict distinct patterns of trait distributions between the forest gardens and periphery forests. The models derived from these theories demand knowledge of very specific traits of organisms. 2015. Armstrong C. G. 2017. We omitted functional richness, a functional diversity metric often analyzed alongside functional divergence and functional evenness, as it does not account for dispersion or relative abundances and is somewhat correlated with functional dispersion (Mason et al. Human impacts in African savannas are mediated by plant functional traits. We encourage the submission of high-quality original research articles, short communications, reviews, and perspective papers. However, the mechanism of metabolic between the Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Site history (i.e., forest garden or periphery forests), the functional trait, and their interaction were included as fixed effects. When I found a lizard in my garden, circa 1980. Armstrong C.G., M. W. Dixon, and N. J. Turner. Forest gardens also had higher functional evenness (P < 0.001) and functional dispersion (P = 0.001) than periphery forests, but they differed only marginally in functional divergence (P = 0.07) (Fig. Stand dynamics of mixed red alder conifer forests of southeast Alaska. Submitted papers should be well formatted and use good English. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:59-68. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13017, Lyons, N., and M. Ritchie. Functional Ecology now requires a Replication Statement for all submitted Research Articles, Liesbeth van den Brink & Rafaella Canessa: Microbial communities prefer high quality food, not specifically the food available at home, Liesbeth van den Brink & Rafaella Canessa: Las comunidades microbianas prefieren alimentos de alta calidad, no necesariamente comida local, Acoustic signature reveals blue whales tune life history transitions to oceanographic conditions: Podcast Transcript, Matthew Krna: Decomposition rates of leaf litter are temperature-independent, Eusociality and the transition from biparental to alloparental care in termites: Podcast Transcript. Ancient experiments: forest biodiversity and soil nutrients enhanced by Native American middens. 2019, Fa et al. Digital copy available: https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/documents/bib107005_2011.pdf, Ford, A. and R. Nigh. We certainly found that we had a clearer perspective on the link between traits, environment and performance after writing this article, so we hope that it helps others to similarly clarify their thinking on this topic. 2008), and functional dispersion (the average distance to the abundance-weighted centroid of functional trait values; Lalibert, and Legendre 2010). Trait-based approaches for guiding the restoration of degraded agricultural landscapes in East Africa. Aoife Cantwell-Jones: How Arctic bees interact with plants depends on body size variation and spatiotemporal context. Bond, G. Midgley, C. E. Lehmann. Nature Communications 7:12491. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms12491, Tsiafouli, M. A., E. Thbault, S. P. Sgardelis, P. C. De Ruiter, W. H. Van Der Putten, K. Birkhofer, L. Hemerik, F. T. De Vries, R. D. Bardgett, M. V. Brady, and L. Bjornlund. Partial denitrification-anammox (PD-anammox) is an innovative process to remove nitrate (NO3N) and ammonia (NH4+N) simultaneously from wastewater. 2005. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. The American Naturalist 131:360-384. https://doi.org/10.1086/284795, Villger, S., N. W. Mason, and D. Mouillot. 2002. WebSpecial Issue Information. (Lavorel 2013, Osborne et al. Landscape Ecology 29:979-987. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-014-0033-z, Coupland, G. G. 1988. 2017. Do you think there is an emerging area of research that really needs to be highlighted? Michael Kearney, professor at the University of Melbourne, presents his latest work Where do functional traits come from? He discusses the importance of definitions in science, remembers the beginnings of our journal and shows his (not so) secret passion for lizards. Maize, barley, teff, potatoes, sorghum, and other crops were among those foraged by the nonhuman primate species. Lepofsky D., C. G. Armstrong, D. Mathews, and S. Greening. WebFunctional Ecology; Journal of Animal Ecology; Journal of Applied Ecology; Journal of Ecology; Methods in Ecology and Evolution; Ecology and Evolution; Applied Ecology Funding was provided by National Geographic (#HJ-085ER-17 awarded to C.G. Day. Historical ecology of cultural keystone places of the Northwest Coast. interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. Rich. An open access journal promoting the development of new methods in ecology and evolution, and facilitating their dissemination and uptake. Journals. This is a notion that goes way back to the origins of Functional Ecology as a journal, especially Peter Calows 1987 article Towards a definition of functional ecology (really worth a read if you havent seen it). Routledge, London, UK. This can help prioritise future phenotyping efforts and can also motivate the development of new techniques to measure required traits. Human Ecology 46:547-559. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10745-018-0015-x. For example, surface areas are often very important aspects of functional traits and new, computer-aided technologies are allowing more rapid and accurate measurements of such traits. Traits were collected using standard protocols (Prez-Harguindeguy et al. 2). This is a notion that goes way back to the origins of Functional Ecology as a journal, especially Peter Calows 1987 article Towards a definition of functional ecology Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5: https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2017.00171, Lohbeck, M., L. Winowiecki, E. Aynekulu, C. Okia, and T. G. Vgen. Human land-use legacies are a potentially important driver of contemporary plant community structure and function that is often rarely considered in ecological studies (in part because historical and ancient activities are often difficult to document). This Special Issue concerns fundamental and applied plant physiology, ecology, and related interdisciplinary fields, covering the scope of MDPIs journal Plants. But it should also be of conceptual relevance to any biologist. 2019) and can leave unique genetic signatures in extant plant communities (Thompson et al. Copy available: https: //doi.org/10.1086/284795, Villger, S. Wang, and M. Ritchie use cookies on website... Gardens and periphery forests at our four study sites to remove nitrate ( )... Stand dynamics of mixed red alder conifer forests of southeast Alaska Ecosphere is broad. Nitrate ( NO3N ) and ammonia ( NH4+N ) simultaneously from wastewater study... Prez-Harguindeguy et al come from the best experience American middens thus we distinct. Native American middens Duncan, S. Wang, and perspective papers, M., J of conceptual to. 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