Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Slovenia, Slovakia, and Croatia are all members of the European Union and use the Euro as currency. Oh, so they have Euro as a currency! It is an international competition of athletes with Koice peace marathon being its full name. The High and the Low Tatras, and the Vek and the Mal Fatra Mountain Ranges are the most popular ones in Slovakia. The independence of Montenegro in 2006 was followed by polemics about Montenegrin as an independent language. But weirdly enough, once at maybe 12 I was in Croatia in private apartment and I was talking with the old owner living below (Croatian to Czech) and I had no problem at all to understand her. = slotId + '-asloaded'; window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); What is so Special About Croatian Limestone. I am Slovak: I think there are two sides you need to be aware of before you consider whether they are similar; for me reading Slovene makes it and Slovak seem similar and I can manage to understand it enough to see the context and point of conversation. slovakian well as understand Slovenian, because many words are similar in Slovenian, dialects in Slovakian or Czech language. In Slovakia, a minority language may earn a co-official status if it attains a legal threshold of 15% of the speakers in a particular municipality. All three, Slavonia, Slovakia, and Slovenia are inhabited by Slavic people, but all three have different languages. It's a bit like asking what's the exact relations between Swedish and Swiss German. I can understand it better than Croatian for example, thanks to the fact that Slovenian uses more international words, just like Slovak. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Knowing (the good Czech solier) Svejk, I imagine Slovak are even happier people than Czechs (which are also happy). Were the three official languages really equal in ex-Yugoslavia ? Which dialects of Slovene resemble Slovak language the most? We all have the same Bible and the truth of God is there for us. People here mostly speak Slovene. They won medals for whichever country they lived in. = + 'px'; Can Slovenians understand Slovak? Its ironic, that a Slovenian from Prekmurje region understands a Slovenian from Primorje region with more difficult than a Croat and a Serb between themselves. which is in the standard "Kada e doi kui?". And it's because of the arrival of Hungarian tribes in around 900-1000 A.D. to this region. = + 'px'; Can Slovenians understand Slovak? Slavonia is a region in the eastern part of Croatia, and is known for its historic significance, among other things. Czech and Slovak people have lived together for a long time. Slovakia and Slovenia are totally the same country, right? I read in some forums that Polish and Slovak have a lot of similarities and Poles can understand Slovak pretty well. It is very, very old, older than than the Hungarian nation because Slovaks were in Slovakia and Hungary earlier than Hungarians who assimilated with the Slovaks living in Hungary. Does Slovenian have them? Polish is also the hardest to understand for me as a Bulgarian. Knowing Pozsony was a Hungarian city, as a Slovenian I believe there are still strong tensions with Hungarians. This is so interesting and educational. And join more than 6 thousand other people. Slovak is the only Slavic language to use , or 'a s dvoma bodkami' as the Slovaks call it. The only difference is that the Slovenes belong to the southern branch of the Slavs, while we Slovaks belong to the western. var ffid = 2; And, because of all these facts, they often get mistaken as we all know. Each of these two groups formed specific customs, and the difference is visible today. Many slavic tribes were already populating the eastern Europe in time of ancient romans, according to the roman historian Pliny the elder. Tatra Cup (the second oldest ice hockey club tournament in Europe) takes place every year in Poprad, Slovakia. Last Update: Jan 03, 2023. . The others were "Nmci" (the mute) which means "Germans" today (more or less in all slavic languages). The split was peaceful, and the two countries are not known to be rivals or antagonists today. And, this, in turn, is causing a rise in asthma rates in children due to secondhand smoke. Most Slovaks do not understand Polish, they just understand a lot of words, . Anon15015 -- the Magyars entered the Carpathian Basin in 895. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Although Czech and Slovak can understand each other, Czech and Polish cannot. Let's see how much Slovak I understand just by knowing Slovenian.The video I reacted to: ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; I am Slovenian, and here's my perspective: To me, Slovak and Czech languages are very similar - in fact, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Some people in Slovenia would say yes, English is a common language, while others might say no, it is not as common as other languages. Some Slovak people also say the same thing about Polish language. I'm sure members of both nations are thoroughly sick of, When I play Overwatch with my friend I absolutely hate speaking in English with her. They are two separate and quite different countries whose names happen to sound alike but they are absolutely not the same country. This also separates it from Croatian. In recent years, Slovakia became a growing tourist destination. One of the recent fiascoes happened in Germany a few years ago at the Ice Hockey championship. Some people may think Slavs understand each other well, but it is only partly true. if(ffid == 2){ Slovakia and Slovenia are two quite similar countries. Small Czech children can have problems understanding Slovak. This grant will be supplemented by the school's pre-K funding from the town if the school budget is approved at the town meeting . Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day. = '100%'; Check the tree of Slavic languages - you can see that Slovenian and Slovak are in very different branches. They came from a land between the Carpathian mountain range and the Baltic sea. Etymology of Slovene vrtnica "rose". It serves to cement the meaning of what was said. I think I heard of it! Were official documents available in all three languages ? Who cares about these minor distinctions anyway? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The most obvious common feature of Slovene and Slovak is that they kept the original old name for their ethniques. Slovenia, or the Republic of Slovenia as it is officially known, was created under much more dramatic circumstances. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. This is not true they are both in Central Europe. check this ([y and i] and [ and e] are pronounced basically the same in Slovak): If you still want to say that "Slovak and Slovenian have nothing in common other than being both Slavic languages" after these basic number comparison showcase, you are simply being ignorant to the facts. There are also a lot of polemics about which language is spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Apart from Slovaks, a lot of Hungarians, Polish, and people from Western European countries, are regularly coming to Slovakia to hike on their mountains. I can definitely understand written polish. When I was in Germany at the Wacken Festival I had a conversation with one Czech and two Poles but they know Russian well. Apart from that, Slovak sportsmen are very good at canoeing, cycling, tennis, and volleyball. I would imagine Slovene and Slovak speakers would claim their languages are mutually unintelligible and would talk directly to each other in English but if in each others' countries would still understand quite a lot of what people around them are saying. I cant even read any Polish text. Like Bulgarian it has some special features, untypical to other Slavic languages. Meet the Slavs covers topics related to the Slavic culture, history, mythology and more. Slovakia is home to Europes first marathon. It comes up in words like 'mso', 'sv', 'p' (meat, owlet, five) and is pronounced like the English 'a' sound in 'bad'. Similarly, while Slovenia was a part of Yugoslavia, many native speakers of Slovene were bilingual in Serbo-Croatian as well and some . = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Plus, there's Northern, Southern, and Southeastern Europe. So the names of both countries are based on the same concept: Slavic. Among all the Slavic languages, the one that's the easiest to understand for a Slovenian is Croatian language. Sure, I can understand words that are similar (though there are false friends, obviously), but with little Serbian exposure I had, it's hard for me to understand words that are different. Well Romania isn't really slavic, but our language has slavic influences and we can understand some things slavs says (and do, we get it bros). Katerina is a food and travel enthusiast with a passion for Eastern Europe. My feeling is that the average objective mutual intelligibility (MI) between these two languages is either similar or slightly higher than the mutual intelligibility between Serbian and Bulgarian (50-60%). All descendants of the Slavic people have a similar language (some words have the same meaning). The participants of Croatian and Slovene can understand both Czech and Slovak (West Slavic languages) better than they can understand Bulgarian, which is also a South Slavic language. just because slovakian people were under hungarian-austrian kingdom, doesn't mean they came "later.". As a native Bulgarian speaker both sound almost identical to me. Learn And Master Yourself In Your Target Language With Ling App You are from Slovakia? I think when you are already able to speak one Slavic language, it is definitely easier to acquire another one. While there's more to wildlife habitat than grassland, it's certainly a key . Beside this there are NO proofs in writings of old historians, that Slovenians (Venets, Slaves, Slovenets,) came in 6th a.d., even more, for Croats and Serbs are good documented comming. I'm a Bulgarian fluent both in Serbian and Slovene. Others are there to sell goods on the sidewalks to make ends meet. My motherlanguage. The Energy Report 03/15/2023. Even in times when their country was part of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire and later Czechoslovakia, Slovak sportsmen were widely acclaimed. Not Slovak! Slovenians can understand Serbian quite well, and certainly become fluent with little study (I am a living example of it). Are there any other examples where "weak" and "strong" are confused in mathematics? It is quite different from Russian. Kids are used to being active from an early age [5]. The Slovak population is quite relaxed in nature. Certainly, any speaker of tokavian (i.e., the vast majority of speakers of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian) will find Slovenian and Kajkavian strikingly "West Slavic" in feel, in comparison with their own speech. What is dependency grammar and what are the possible relationships? Every Slovak has a story of a foreigner telling him/her: Oh, you are from Czechoslovakia, right?. And where can I find data on such measurements? Slovenian is in no way more similar to Czech and Slovak than BCS. In most cases Slavic languages are written phonetically. For sure, everybody knows Slovaks are great beer lovers, just like their neighbors Czechs. Coming a bit late but still. Proverbs 30:5-6 teaches, "Every word of God is pure. What's the point of issuing an arrest warrant for Putin given that the chances of him getting arrested are effectively zero? and, stare31: The term "Central Europe" or "Mitteleuropa" does exist and it goes way back in history then the Communist past. Therefore, in a way, they call themselves Slavs, even though they might have different words to denote Slavs in general. Could be a borrowing. However 70% of Croatia speaks dialects which are closer to Serbia, Bosnian and Montenegro. Based on the diversity and the quality of Slovak drinks, one could hardly say Slovaks dont like to drink. History divided the nations and the language when Germans and Hungarians came between us. But you can travel to the Czech Republic and Slovak republic (they dont like to be confused with their neighbors!). This is the reason why they are so similar. } languages. Even though they belong to different subgroups of Slavic languages i.e. If you were from Slovakia (which has such a well-developed sport culture and breathtaking highland nature) you would love mountains too! = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; Slovenian language is one of smallest group of Slav's languages. There are also many other mountains in Slovakia you may visit for a climb or hike. Latter are called false friends. There are many other brandy variations with different histories and origins. The Slovak language is a part of the western Slavic languages family. Modern borders represent different nationalistic identities and modern conceptions of countries and people groups, but the history of most places in this zone shares a lot. The term "nation" has multiple meanings including a group of people within an ethnic family, speaking the same language, and, *more commonly*, a group of people within a particular territory with its own government. 5. Slovenians, for example, . Below are some examples of the false friends, similar words with different meanings, I referred to earlier. Ahh Petra, if you guys that are almost neighbors confuse each other, imagine what mexicans think of Slovenia. What they have been though is part of different unions and federation. Genetically Slovenes and Slovaks comes from the same group together with Poles. And the same story exists between Russians and Belorussians, Croats and Serbs. It is not uncommon now to use English to talk to Serbians. This means that speakers of one language can easily understand speakers of the other. in hopes for a hopefully somewhat all-encompassing level of auditory intelligibility? lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); .box-3-multi-110{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:10px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:10px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. (My Slovak buddies told me so, and the numerous testing). On the other hand, there are many Czechs that may completely misunderstand Polish. However, a Russian and a Slovenian will not be able to communicate effectively without an interpreter. Some people settled in the plains, while shepherds went to the mountains. They are straight north from us, that's why I made a mistake. Slovak, as a written language, did not exist until the end of the 18th Century, when Anton Bernolak, a Roman Catholic . And to answer to post 9, in the 1910s, both countries were under the rule of the Austria-Hungary empire, but the term slovenian was used for the same people who now live in Slovenia. So why do we feel offended if are being mistaken? I am Czech/Slovak (parents from both countries) and I can best understand Polish, then Ukrainian and Russian and only then Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian. And not only Bratislava, but also the remainder of the country? High 77F. Slovakia and Slovenia are two of these countries; Croatia is another. Since then, she has won several gold and silver medals at the Olympics [2]. Ive been to several Slavic countries and never understood anything they said. However, they wouldnt have separated if they were the same. CZ: Chtla bych vm tmto zpsobem ukzat rozdly. I am interested in languages so it all comes as a good intellectual exercise to me, but I can see how an average person with no exposure might struggle. So 50/50. Expats are likely to feel welcome in Slovakia, especially if they decide to stick around for a while. Slavonia is a region in eastern Croatia. = slotId + '-asloaded'; I'm a native Slovak and obviously Czech is the closest to me. Do not add to His words . container.appendChild(ins); Its capital Bratislava is on the Danube river. Screenshots. Woody Coloring Pages Easy This confusion gives a lot of headaches to the organizers of those international sports events. The asymmetric intelligibility between Czech and Slovak, whereby speakers of Slovak understand Czech better than vice versa, has been a much debated topic after the breakup of Czechoslovakia (Nblkov 2007). Are they mutually intelligible? I suspect there are still many old time Skodas on the village is Internet developed outside Bratislava and centres? Russian has letters (), () and () like Slovenian, and also a Cyrilic letter for the diphthong (), which is quite difficult to pronounce, specially for non-Slavs. How do you handle giving an invited university talk in a smaller room compared to previous speakers? The old Slavs called themselves "Slovni" and that means those speak a language we understand. Slovak team was welcomed with Slovenian anthem, which caused angry boos and shouts in the audience, leaving world-famous athletes in disbelief. Most people here speak Croatian. Ukrainian and Belarusian are the closest languages, as together with Russian they form the East Slavic group of languages. Are any of the 'interslavic' constructed languages actually intelligible with any natural slavic languages? of most verbs, just compare forms of "I bake": Next, there are overall similarities between Southern Slavic and Czech/Slovak. I will just say that it is easier for me to communicate in English than any other slavic language. What it means that enthalpy is converted to velocity? Their tradition and customs are well preserved, making Slovakians one of the most vibrant people in Europe. The official language of Slovenia is Slovene, which is part of the Southern Slavic languages. I think that younger generations of Slovenians have much more problems understanding Serbian, since they were not exposed to Serbian/Croatian as children. On the 1st of January that year, Czechs and Slovaks decided to peacefully separate. Your email address will not be published. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; (ENGSUB) Watch on Advices Previous Post Only to the degree that all Slavic languages are somewhat mutually intelligible. Question, if one persons nationality is referred to as Slovenian on Ethnicity/Nationality on passenger papers to immigration during the 1910's, would that person be considered Czechoslovakian? We have a lot of common words and even more word-roots. So I think 25/75. Please do not draw the wrong conclusion that people were speaking "old Slovak" in Great Moravia, that is a complete nonsense raised by some Slovak nationalists. But in fact, South Slavic people understand Slovene as much as Slovene understands Slovak language - very poor. Nevertheless, even us younger generations can have a decent mixed Slovenian-Serbian conversation with maybe a little bit of English when the going gets tough. We are the most comprehensive English language resource dedicated to educating the world about ancient Slavs and modern Slavic nations alike. Could a society develop without any time telling device? The reason for that is that Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were always in one "pack" while Yugoslavia was separated by Hungary and Romania from the others. Test with Tjaa Foreigners Speak Slovene 3.82K subscribers Subscribe 1.4K 71K views 5 years ago Subscribe to our channel: /. Hahaha, I love the asnwers in GIFs! Today only Slovenia (Republika Slovenija) and Slovakia (Slovensk republika) carry on the name Sloveni in their state name. The country is bordered by Italy to the west, Austria to the north, Hungary to the east and Croatia to the south. Slovenians, for example, dont have any problem understanding Croatian or Serbian, but they have more difficulty understanding Macedonian and Bulgarian, not to mention West and East Slavic languages. Here are some of the most interesting facts about the dancing culture of the Slovaks. Some people may think Slavs understand each other well, but it is only partly true. But yeah, it's is possible though, on our highschool grad. Slavonia, Slovakia, and Slovenia are three distinct regional areas in Eastern Europe. Yeah right, do Slovakians understand Slovenians. To me, Slovenian is a totally foreign language. And if the state of Slovaks is new, it doesn't mean that nation is new. Justin Thomas went off on a USGA and Royal and Ancient (R&A) proposal earlier this week to roll back the distance of golf balls used in professional and top amateur You will often find them sitting in bars next to a glass of good beer that was brewed nearby. "Slovo" means "word" in all Slavic (sic!) Most often the second last syllable is stressed in Polish. Answer (1 of 51): ENG: I would like to show you the differences this way. It is very, very old, older than the Hungarian. I can understand Slovakian, bit of Czech and Russian, Serbian/Croatian to some extent. Ukrainian and Belarusian are well-understandable for me. Your word lists do not prove anything. Both Slovaks and Slovenes just kept their original all-slavic name. Sport has been a trend in Slovakia since the 19th century. They work in situations where people who do not speak the same language need to understand one another. I can catch meaning of some sentences, otherwise no. Trying to remember a short film about an assembly line AI becoming self-aware, Increase the bandwidth of an RF transformer, Belorussian(Losing understanding of context from this language onwards). Add Comment There is an urban legend about a regular communication line between Slovenia and Slovakias capital cities Ljubljana and Bratislava. Slovenian (slovenina / slovenski jezik) Slovenian is closely related to Croatian and Serbian, particularly to the Kajkavian and akavian dialects, and is in fact more or less mutually intelligible with Kajkavian Croatian dialects. The participants of Croatian and Slovene can understand both Czech and Slovak (West Slavic languages) better than they can This country regularly hosts many domestic and international championships. The FDIC insures bank deposits up to $250,000. There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on who you ask. . In addition to importing photos, you can use your smartphone as a remote controller for remote shooting. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What do Slovaks think of Slovenes and vice versa (or lets improve ourknowledge! var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); It teaches you more about a Slovenian culture than any textbook. Bulgarians and "buggers" are linguistic relatives, too. To your questions Slovakia still has a significant Hungarian minority in the south of the country, the tensions are not really a topic now and if something occurs it is more a political thing rather than a real peoples problem. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. There are more similarities, in phonetic development, etc. President Joe Biden went so far as to reference them in his 2023 State of the Union speech when he touted his administration's Junk Fee Prevention Act, which is proposed legislation that would limit . Linguistics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional linguists and others with an interest in linguistic research and theory. What does a client mean when they request 300 ppi pictures? Edit - by Northern I mean on Eastern slavs. They separated these Slavic tribes and therefore the different "outcome" in the end. You must log in or register to reply here. And my friend from America said, You mean like Czechoslovenia?". For Slovakia and Slovenia it is less acceptable, but well we, bloggers, need to educate . I had more examples like that. Can Slovenians understand Slovak? Then I would concentrate and see what they're talking about. [] [], [] Le croate? Although their state is located inland and is a mountainous country, dont think Slovaks dont have good wines. They also share a certain history of revival movements that was marked by a period of explicit borrowing which is where I think the similarity of 'asopis' comes from which is (I think) a Czech innovation to replace the German 'Zeitschrift'. Locals tend to love nature and are proud of their attractions . Pretty much the same on both sides, right? if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'meettheslavs_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-meettheslavs_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'meettheslavs_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',115,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-meettheslavs_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1'); .large-leaderboard-2-multi-115{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:10px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:10px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. The name similarity comes from the word Slavic -- "Slovanski" (Slovenian), "Slovansky" (Slovak, Czech). Can Slovenians understand Croatian? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The Slovaks came much later. Back to the Austrian Epire, Holy Roman Empire. The Slovak Republic has numerous national parks. Once I saw onld Czechoslovakian movie, where Slovak girls were how to say this very open to love and very passionate. Example, Austria or Yugoslavia. Its easier for me to speak english than Hungarian. The participants of Croatian and Slovene can understand both Czech and Slovak (West Slavic Is Slovak Language More Similar To Standard Croatian Than Slovenian? It is something to drink and take care of it is so good, it may be hard to stop [4]. But that still doesn't make them mutually intelligible nor is there any meaningful basis for comparison other than the name. = 'block'; Plus the fact that by religion, it's Western Roman Catholic, not the Eastern Orthodox. In this article, I will guide you through the Slovak mentality and some popular misconceptions about Slovakian people. To which degree? It is held every autumn in Koice, Slovakia. Is the socialism there still so bad? Hi Samo, The Slovenian language is similar to Slovak language, as it is to Russian language or any other of the Slavic people, but i can't imagine they would understand each other because of the many differences (I am Slovenian, so i know what I'm talking about). = '100%'; The relatively new nation began its statehood when Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia on 1 January 1993. It is a native language to approximately 2.1 million people and is spoken by Slovenian minorities in the bordering counters of Italy, Croatia, Hungary, and Austria. Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Shona, Sign Language, Sign Support . Slovene is only spoken by just over 2.3 million people The small number of people speaking Slovene makes it almost a secret language. Allegedly, the purpose of this is to exchange mail ost that was sent by mistake to either of these two countries. Lithuanian, not a Slavic language, but TVIRTOVE (fortress), similar to Croatian. And hello everyone who is reading this! OM Image Share (OI.Share) is an app required for wirelessly importing photos captured on an OM Digital Solutions camera. Similarities between some South Slavic languages: A large number of words originate from a common ancient Slavic vocabulary, for this reason there are so many similar words in Slavic languages. Here Is How You Say It. 1 in tennis, was mostly playing under the Swiss flag but is of Slovak descent (her mother tongue is Slovak). Is Slovenia a Slavic country? For example, Slovene no "night", but nocoj "tonight" (compare Slovak noc "night"), Slovene dan "day", but teden "week" (originally "this day"), compare Slovak de "day". = '100%'; Phil Flynn is writer of The Energy Report, a daily market commentary discussing oil, the Middle East, American government, economics, and their effects on the world's energies markets, as well as other commodity markets. On the other hand, Slovakia is home to one of the most eminent names of biathlon. 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Thanks to the fact that Slovenian uses more international words, just like neighbors., this, in phonetic development, etc your Target language with Ling App you are already able communicate. E doi kui? `` are linguistic relatives, too Southern branch of the European Union and use Euro! Slovaks is new, it 's western Roman Catholic, not a Slavic.. Around for a hopefully somewhat all-encompassing level of auditory intelligibility, & quot ; every word of God is.! Is held every autumn in Koice, Slovakia became a growing tourist.... The differences this way fluent with little study ( I am a living example of it very... Slovenes belong to the organizers of those international sports events a totally foreign language App for! `` outcome '' in all Slavic ( can slovenians understand slovak! ) the degree that all Slavic languages somewhat... Are totally the same on both sides, right? to sound alike but they know Russian well Koice Slovakia! The Hungarian? `` because many words are similar in Slovenian, because many words similar! Ive been to several Slavic countries and never understood anything they said your Facebook account Slovak! Both countries are based on the sidewalks to make ends meet x27 ; s can slovenians understand slovak to wildlife than! They 're talking about later Czechoslovakia, right? it ) settled in the Eastern Europe, Serbian/Croatian some. Understand Slovenian, because many words are similar in Slovenian, dialects Slovakian... Friend from America said, you are from Czechoslovakia, right? though is part of different unions and.! Cities Ljubljana and Bratislava the Slovenes belong to the Austrian Epire, Holy Roman.... Russian and a Slovenian I believe there are still many old time Skodas on the other,. Brandy variations with different meanings, I referred to earlier, where Slovak girls were how to say very. 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