Create the package under src/main/java. 1. You can find all the code from this tutorial on GitHub, in the okta-spring-security-test-example repository. Best Java code snippets using org.springframework.http. An unauthorized user is redirected from the client application to the authorization server, most frequently using a system browser or a web view. The test post_withMissingAuthorities_returnsFodbidden() verifies that without the required authorities, the controller rejects the request with 403 Forbidden. * @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and a body with a global logout URL and ID token However, adding this did not result in successful access token propagation. Want more tech tips? After opening them go to the file and then click on New and there are multiple options and you have to choose the Spring Starter Project option. You can create a JHipster app that uses React and OIDC with just a few commands: Below is a terminal recording that shows the results of these commands. For this demo, use humptydumpty and 123456. What do you do after your article has been published? ClickSign In and youll be taken to the super fancysecuredPage.html template that should say Secured Page and Andrew. Two cases for token validation and details retrieval, depending on resource server configuration, are as follows: A JWT decoder reads the token and validates it with the authorization server public key (downloaded once at startup). Integration testing in modern Spring Boot microservices has become easier since the release of Spring Framework 5 and Spring Security 5. Wait a moment for it to finish. Add a RestConfiguration class for tweaking the Spring Data REST responses: Create the package I recently did a bunch of work in the popular JHipster open source project to upgrade it to use the latest release of Spring Security. JHipster users were familiar with clicking Logout (check with latest) and being completely logged out. Let's implement the above requirements with it. Making ZuulFilterInitializer an eagerly-loaded bean caused everything to work as it did before. As you see with annotations like @WithUserDetails and @WithMockUser we can switch between different authenticated users scenarios without building classes alienated from our architecture just for making simple tests. They need an oauth2 token. This is because of OIDC discovery and how the endpoints are looked up from .well-known/openid-configuration. If this fails, the repository generates an empty SecurityContext. Using unit and integration tests to verify your code quality is an excellent way to show you care about your code. In OpenID environments, the resource server fetches the authorization server configuration from a standard path, either at startup or just before the first request is processed. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. It will ask for client app credentials in a separate window. JHipster developers noted they were seeing errors like the following when Keycloak wasnt running. How do you do that? See JHipsters Code Quality documentation for more information about this feature. See Create a Spring Boot App for more information. Well, use this simple AutoStoreSecurityContextHttpFilter defined below which will take care of putting @WithMockUser's preppared SecurityContext into the HttpSession such that later SecurityContextPersistenceFilter will be able to find it. spring-security-oauth2-resource-server contains support for OAuth 2.0 Resource Servers, mainly used to protect APIs via OAuth 2.0 Bearer Tokens. After login, you will be redirected to the grant access page where you choose to give access to third-party applications. In this tutorial, we'll implement a simple OAuth application using the Spring Security OAuth Authorization Server project. It will redirect to a URL like : http://localhost:8081/login?code=EAR76A. cool method chaining, a.k.a. Access Red Hat's knowledge, guidance, and support through your subscription. spring-security-test provides with MockMvc post-processors and WebTestClient mutators to populate test security-context with JwtAuthenticationToken or BearerTokenAuthentication which are default Authentication for apps with respectively JWT decoder or token introspection. Spring Frameworks WebTestClient for reactive web, and MockMvc for servlet web, allow for testing controllers in a lightweight fashion without running a server. Each one used on its corresponding test case just by using a straightforward annotation, reducing code and complexity. You'll have to define a few valid redirect URLs for the public client (sample below for an Angular application running on dev-server): Don't forget to save after you added the URLs. If it doesnt work, you can use to view the contents of your access token. Thanks to Okta's Spring Boot Starter, most of the OAuth is already in place. Let's implement the above requirements with it. Thats a great question. OAuth2 defines 4 actors. Its been fun collaborating with them on a very innovative project. We welcome relevant and respectful comments. Spring Security 5.1+ adds OAuth 2.0 and OIDC as first-class citizens that you can configure with its elegant DSL (a.k.a. With the default Spring Security support, users would be logged out of the local app, but not the IdP. Spring Plugins Spring Lib M JCenter JBossEA Atlassian Public KtorEAP Popular Tags. You need to add one dependency to thebuild.gradle file: Update thesrc/main/resources/ to match: This sets the server port, servlet context path, and some default values for the in-memory, ad hoc generated tokens the server is going to return to the client, as well as for our users username and password. But if you are just working with roles, testing can be even easier and you could avoid constructing a custom UserDetailsService. "application { config { baseName reactoidc, authenticationType oauth2, clientFramework react } }", SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_PROVIDER_OIDC_ISSUER_URI, SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_OIDC_CLIENT_ID, SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET, How to Mock an AuthenticatedPrincipal with an ID Token, How to Pass an OAuth 2.0 Access Token to Downstream Microservices with Zuul, How to Handle OIDC Discovery in Spring Boot Integration Tests, Running End-to-End Tests on JHipster Microservices that are Secured with OAuth 2.0, Upgrade to Spring Security 5.1 and its First-Class OIDC Support, Use JHipster 6 to Generate a Spring Boot + React app with OIDC for Auth, Register Your Secure Spring Boot Application, Learn More about Spring Security, Spring Boot, and JHipster, created a pull request to upgrade JHipsters templates, Better, Faster, Lighter Java with Java 12 and JHipster 6, how to build a Photo Gallery PWA with React, Spring Boot, and JHipster, It automatically gets registered when the "full" spring-web-mvc is enabled, e.g. Reading the Bearer Token from a Custom Header For example, you may have a need to read the bearer token from a custom header. Hi, thanks for the comment! Update theAuthorizationServerApplication class to add@EnableResourceServer: Create a new classAuthServerConfig in the same package as your application classcom.okta.spring.AuthorizationServerApplication undersrc/main/java (from now on please create Java classes insrc/main/java/com/okta/spring/AuthorizationServerApplication). When creating an API built using Spring Boot as a resource server, it can be difficult to write automated tests with endpoints that utilize a third party authentication server. Lets start by building and testing a Webflux API Gateway with Okta OIDC login enabled. Why is it so popular and superior to plain old login/password in each application? Create the file src/test/resources/application-test.yml with the following content: Update the class ApiGatewayApplicationTests to activate the test profile: Create the com.okta.developer.gateway.controller package under src/test/java. @user2992476 It probably returns an object of type UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken. Not the answer you're looking for? It also allows you to manage your users. Im going to share those experiences with you today. You will see output like the following when its finished: Open src/main/resources/ to see the issuer and credentials for your app. Add the interface TheaterRepository: Create a TheatersController in com.okta.developer.theaters.controller package: The POST /theater endpoint requires theater_admin authority to proceed with the persistence. OAuth 2 is an authorization method to provide access to protected resources over the HTTP protocol. Edit ApiGatewayApplication to add a RouteLocator bean: Create a docker folder at the root level (same level as the api-gateway, theaters, and listings), where all services are contained. Setup Getting Started Download and Installation Running as a Standalone Process Running in Docker Running on Android Using with Spring Boot Configuration HTTPS Multi-domain Mocking Java Usage JUnit 5+ Jupiter JUnit 4 and Vintage Plain Java Java configuration Running without the HTTP Server Stubbing & Verifying Stubbing Request Matching It supports Angular and React for its front-end. Joe was correct. You can start Keycloak using Docker Compose: When startup completes, open http://localhost:8080, and click sign in. 11 Monitoring and Observability Tools for 2023, How to configure a Spring REST API with token introspection, 10 Easy Steps To Start Using Git and GitHub, How To Create a Failover Client Using the Hazelcast Viridian Serverless. Above config enable protection on all endpoints starting /api. Since Spring 4.0+, the best solution is to annotate the test method with @WithMockUser, Remember to add the following dependency to your project. DevOps vs Agile: Which Approach Will Win the Battle for Efficiency? Using the OAuth2 / OpenID Connect Mock. We'll create a single "Realm role" named NICE. OAuth2 Client Configuration. To create an authorization server using spring security oauth2 module, we need to use annotation @EnableAuthorizationServer and extend the class AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter. Why should you use Okta? If you are interested, see. Experienced and versatile Java Developer with over 8 years of experience in designing, developing, testing, documenting and implementing Object Oriented, J2EE, and Client server technologies who . I omitted the client's configuration. as a template when creating a new API in MockLab: This will pre-load your API with all the necessary stubs, which you can modify and This Spring configuration class enables and configures an OAuth authorization server. User management is required for most web applications, but building it isn't always an easy task. Spring @Controllers are unit tested with @WebMvcTest and MockMvc (or @WebfluxTest and WebTestClient). The first challenge I encountered was with the updated LogoutResource. Add a AirbnbListingRepository repository: The annotation @RepositoryRestResource directs Spring MVC to create RESTful endpoints at the specified path. You also need two similar template files in thesrc/main/resources/templates directory. The terminal should end with something like this: Navigate in your browser of choice to your client app athttp://localhost:8082/. The test collectionGet_withValidJwtToken_returnsOk() verifies that with valid JWT authentication, the /listing GET returns 200 Ok. Create an OAuth 2.0 Server Start by going to the Spring Initializr and creating a new project with the following settings: Change project type from Maven to Gradle. Any suggestion please. The ID token is part of the OpenID extension to OAuth2 and is a token to be used by the client to get user info. Currently the authorization_code (server-side web) OAuth2 flow is supported. How do you assert that a certain exception is thrown in JUnit tests? Then in classes that use @SpringBootTest, I configured this as a configuration source. Before you begin, youll need a free Okta developer account. The end-to-end tests that were running on Azure where 1) starting the microservice, and 2) hitting its health endpoint to ensure it started successfully. Off-topic comments may be removed. Changelog : Jun 13, 2018: Updated to replace serve with node-http-server and fixed typo in Travis script. AOP solutions often are the greatest ones for testing, and Spring provides it with @WithMockUser, @WithUserDetails and @WithSecurityContext, in this artifact: In most cases, @WithUserDetails gathers the flexibility and power I need. If you generate an application with JHipster 6, all of the test features mentioned in this post will be in your application. After I had all the runtime code working, I moved onto refactoring tests. @Rule public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(); If you're doing so, also enable the "client roles" mapper from Client details-> Client scopes -> spring-addons-[public|confidential]-dedicated -> Add mapper -> From predefined mappers. We can start the server in a few different ways - let's explore some of these methods. Shawn Shi in Geek Culture Single Sign-On (SSO) Simplified: Understanding How SSO Works in Plain English Shawn Shi in Geek Culture Access Web API Protected by Your Own Authentication Server Gain Java Knowledge Spring Boot Security : Authentication And Authorization Alexey Novikov Stop using Exceptions in Java Help Status Writers Blog Careers Privacy $29.99 FREE explore Project 2 Manage Sensitive Data Not too bad. I knew that what I checked in required Keycloak to be running for integration tests to pass. Scope defines what the user allowed a client to do in his name (not what the user is allowed to do in the system). Opaque tokens can be used (any format, including JWT), but it requires introspection: clients and resource servers have to send a request to the authorization server to ensure the token is valid and get token "attributes" (equivalent to JWT "claims"). Youll notice in the controller above that theyre simply returning strings for the routes. Change the Group to. Notice that now instead of the user we are getting the default provided by @WithMockUser: user; yet it won't matter because what we really care about is his role: ROLE_MANAGER. Regarding the call to the SecurityContextHolder: I edited my answer so that I am not using a call to the SecurityContextHolder anymore. For example, the following AirbnbListingMvcTest test will pass: In the same way, if the WebTestClient or MockMvc mocks a different type of authentication than expected, the test might pass as long as the controller injects a compatible authentication type. To learn how to override default @ConditionalOnMissingBean from spring-addons, you might refer to this advanced tutorial which covers: If you're interested in token introspection, you can refer to this other tutorial, "How to configure a Spring REST API with token introspection.". Identifying lattice squares that are intersected by a closed curve, Moon's equation of the centre discrepancy, How to design a schematic and PCB for an ADC using separated grounds. Open Spring initializr and generate a project with the following dependencies: Once downloaded and unpacked, add the following dependency to provide the resource-server with OpenAPI documentation: Now, we can configure web security the Spring Boot 3 way: providing a SecurityFilterChain bean instead of extending WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. TheSecurityConfiguration class is the class that actually authenticates requests to your authorization server. I am getting following error "Authentication failed UserDetailsService returned null, which is an interface contract violation" . mock-oauth2-server is written in Kotlin using the great OkHttp MockWebServer as the underlying server library and can be used in unit/integration tests in both Java and Kotlin or in any language as a standalone server in e.g. If youd like to learn more about JHipster 6, see Better, Faster, Lighter Java with Java 12 and JHipster 6. As we wrote a servlet app with a JWT decoder, we will replace spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server with spring-addons-webmvc-jwt-resource-server: We can now remove almost all of the web security configuration: Nothing magic here: it is just a Spring Boot module with a few @ConditionalOnMissingBeandefinitions which provide sensible defaults you can easily override. A Computer Science portal for geeks. Basically you just need to create a custom UserDetailsService with all the possible users profiles you want to test. The test save_withMissingAuhtorities_returnsForbidden() verifies that if the JWT lacks the listing_admin authority, the save operation is denied with 403 Forbidden. I added OAuth 2.0 support to JHipster in the fall of 2017. oauth2User (OAuth2User) - For configuring the complete OAuth2User instance That last one is handy if you: 1. A Quick Guide to OAuth 2.0 with Spring Securitywas originally published on the Okta Developer Blog on March 12, 2019. OAuth 2.0: Authorization Code Flow in Spring Boot | by Dev INTJ Code | Javarevisited | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Many developers work around the clock to ensure their app is secure by seeking out individual vulnerabilities to patch. Choose Web and press Enter. The ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer is used to define an in-memory or JDBC implementation of the client details service. We dont include Keycloak Docker Compose files for microservices because we dont expect them to be run standalone. It is used to authenticate end-users (physical persons). I like to call it Users As a Software Service, but UASS isnt a great acronym. Here is one method. The refresh token is issued (along with the access token) to the client by the authorization server, and it is used to obtain a new access token when the current access token becomes invalid or expires. For over 20 years, he has helped developers learn and adopt open source frameworks and use them effectively. Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own. Then, enter your app's home page, which should be http://localhost:8080, in this case. Download the keycloak on your machine. The result is an app that successfully calls the /demo endpoint of the given resource server. Follow us on social networks { Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube } to be notified when we publish new content. NOTE: You can also use the Okta Admin Console to create your app. I named mine Spring Boot OAuth. For example, the listings service expects JWT authentication, but the following AirbnbListingMvcTest test will pass: Lets run an end-to-end test using HTTPie to verify both the authorization and that the audience is enforced in both services. The terminal should end with something like this: NOTE: If you get an error about JAXB (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.xml.bind.JAXBException), its because youre using Java 11. You'll know: Appropriate Flow for User Signup & User Login with JWT Authentication. If youd like to enhance or modify this simulation, you can select OAuth2 / OpenID Connect What's not? docker-compose. Spring Boot 3.0.0-M5 and later: without the deprecated, A controller with a GET endpoint returns a greeting only if a user is granted with, CORS: required for "pure" resource servers; UI components being served from another socket, host, or domain; cross-domain access is necessary, "Stateless" session management: no servlet session; client state is managed with URIs and access token, Disabled CSRF protection (because CSRF attacks are based on server sessions which we disable), All other routes are restricted to authenticated users (fine-grained security rules annotated on, 401 unauthorized (instead of 302 redirect to login) when the request is issued to the protected resource with a missing or invalid authorization header, Grant type: authorization code (with PKCSE), Callback URL: https://localhost:4200 (or what you set when configuring spring-addons-public client in Keycloak), Auth URL: https://localhost:8443/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth, Access token URL: https://localhost:8443/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token, Scope: OpenID spring-addons-public-dedicated profile email offline_access. Let's now see how to test those security rules. Super easy. Create a new project with the following settings: Copy the project and unpack it somewhere. just a minor issue with the naming of the protected method, What is "getPrincipal("test1") ?? Add SecurityConfiguration to require JWT authentication for all requests: Update ListingsApplicationTests to enable the test profile that disables the Eureka client: Create src/test/resources/application-test.yml with the following content: Now, create AirbnbListingMvcTest under src/test/java to verify the authorization. Use the SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors to mock the JWT in the request. Spring Boot provides a library to ease the resource server's security configuration: spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server. Youll be redirected to Keycloak, where you can enter admin/admin to log in. But this usually raises the correct exceptions(like AuthenticationException), but you will get correct status code if it is handled correctly(If you are using custom handler). Hi, while testing as mentioned by GKislin. Select Okta Spring Boot Starter. JWT access tokens are decoded, verified, and validated locally by Spring Security in the microservice. Access tokens content should remain a concern of authorization and resource servers only (clients should not try to read access tokens). I learned a ton about Keycloak, Docker Compose, and how to switch between identity providers (IdPs). Check this solution (the answer is for spring 4): How to login a user with spring 3.2 new mvc testing. Okta is an always-on identity provider that provides authentication and authorization services for developers. worked for me! You can reach us directly at or you can also ask us on the That is, a Login Redirect of http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/okta and a Logout Redirect of http://localhost:8080. I also learned quite a bit in the process. What's the earliest fictional work of literature that contains an allusion to an earlier fictional work of literature? The mock OidcUser.idToken is modified by adding the name claim because UserDataController expects it for populating the response. I can't see why though. After youve verified your email, log in and perform the following steps: Leave the page open of take note of theClient ID andClient Secret. Long story short: theyve deprecated annotations, added features, and have made it easier to integrate OAuth 2.0 and OIDC into your applications. Then, run okta apps create jhipster. Home mock-oauth2-server 0.3.4. Just adapt the issuer URI and the private claim to map authorities from in the resource-server configuration below. Using the PreAuth and MockWitUser Annotations. An OAuth authorization server is responsible for authenticating the users and issuing access tokens containing the user data and proper access policies. final AuthenticationRequest auth = new AuthenticationRequest(); auth.setUsername(userId); auth.setPassword(password); mockMvc.perform(post("/api/auth/").content(json(auth)).contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); Mh, maybe I don't get the whole picture. Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. The experience influenced me greatly. He is the author of The Angular Mini-Book, The JHipster Mini-Book, Spring Live, and contributed to Pro JSP. can log in with any email address and password you like, real or not. Thus the solution using the session. (Wait for all services to register.). Install the Okta CLI and run okta register to sign up for a new account. You need to fill them into the file, as well as your Okta issuer URL. 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